How to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome

How to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome -

How to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome

We live in a digital world. Staring at your phone, laptop, tablet, and gaming devices for hours on end can have a lasting effect on your eyes leaving them tired, dry and tight.

Our long hours watching the computer can also put us at risk for computer vision syndrome (CVS). The American Optometric Association lists symptoms such as eyestrain, fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, neck and back pain, double vision and blurred vision. According to the National Health and Safety Institute, up to 0 percent of Americans who use a computer for more than three hours a day experienced symptoms of CVS.

Reading glasses for computer

Even if you do not need glasses for driving, reading or whatever you do, you may have a slight limitation to cover only the work to reduce the stress of vision.

If you experience some of these symptoms and suspect you may have Computer Vision Syndrome can be diagnosed through a comprehensive eye exam. specific test component may include patient history, visual acuity measurements, refractive power test to determine the appropriate lens, and test how the eyes focus, move and work together .

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, some suggestions to help relieve some of the CVS symptoms include :.

  • do not take a vision problem to work Even if you do not need glasses for driving, reading or other things you do, you still may have a minor vision problem that can be exacerbated by the use of the computer. You may need a slight limitation to cover only work to reduce the stress of vision. A full review of the annual view for computer users is a good idea.
  • Make sure your glasses meet the requirements of your job. If you wear glasses for distance vision, reading, or both, they can not give you the most effective vision for viewing your computer screen, which is about 20 to 30 inches from your eyes. Tell your optometrist for your tasks and measure your distance on the LED heap. You can benefit from a new lens models designed specifically for computer work.
  • Take breaks for alternative tasks throughout the day. Making phone calls or photocopies. Consult with colleagues. Do everything that does not require your eyes to focus on something closer.
  • Reduce glare on your computer screen. Try using a glare reduction filter, curtains, shades or blinds. You can also ask your optometrist about colors and spectacle lens coatings that can reduce glare.
  • Use an adjustable document holder. instead of reference material at the same distance from your eyes as your computer screen and as close to the screen as possible. Your eyes will not have to keep changing the focus when looking from one to the other and you have to keep moving your head or eyes back and forth.
  • Adjust your workspace and your computer for your comfort. most people prefer a work surface height of about 26 inches for computer use. Desks and tables are usually 29 inches high. Place your computer screen from 16 to 30 inches from your eyes. The top of the screen should be slightly below the horizontal eye level. Tilt the top of the screen away from you at a 10 to 20 degree angle.
  • Clean the screen of your computer frequently. Dust and fingerprints can reduce clarity.

one of the best ways to protect your eyes and relax is with a good sleep gives your eyes a time for rest and recovery. Check that your eyes get the recommended hours of sleep to replenish the necessary nutrients and be ready for the next day for most adults which means 7-9 hours each night

Sources :. American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Optometric Association, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare.

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