Spring cleaning for your spirit

Spring cleaning for your spirit -

Spring cleaning for your Mind

Spring is here and it may be time for some spring cleaning. As you begin to put winter clothes away and decluttering your home, take some time to de-clutter your mind too. When you think of spring cleaning, you often think of throwing out or giving unwanted items. Cleaning should not be a chore; it can be a little awakening of freshness and clarity. De-clutter your mind is also necessary for an effective organization. Here are five tips to start spring cleaning of your mind:

  1. Let it go You are in control of your mind, and only you can determine whether you will be. happy today or aggravated and annoyed. Most things that aggravate people are not devastating. It's the little things that can increase the tension: a leaky faucet, a sarcastic remark someone made the discovery that you are out of milk, and so on. It is okay if it bothers you for a while, but if you let it bother you all day, you take the necessary space in your mind and cause you unnecessary stress.
  2. Ease your To-do list. A long list of things to do can be both stressful and overwhelming. Take a look at your list and determine what can be eliminated. Can you say no to some tasks or meetings? People tend to get into the habit of doing something just because it's the way they always have. If your mind is always filled with thoughts of what needs to be done, it is time to ease your mind and free your list.
  3. out of your head. With plenty of paper, writing instruments and computers nowadays, it is amazing how many people insist on keeping what they have to do stored in their brain. Take the weight of your head and write it down. If it is on paper, you have to remember. The paper recalls for you.
  4. Set limits. constant interruptions from friends, family or work colleagues can cause an extreme amount of stress, and decreased productivity. Close your office door if you have a small or set time periods without interruption. Designate a space that your refuge and tell your children it is off limits for a minimum of one hour each day. Remember, you have the power to stop the constant interruptions.
  5. A simple word-simplify. Get rid of things you do not need. You'd be amazed at the things you could live without! Relieve your schedule. Learn to say no. Rethink things that take hours of your time to buy clothes that should not be taken to the dry cleaners, buy all your groceries in a supermarket, make meals you can cook in 30 minutes or less, understand how your computer can do something for you, rather than you doing it manually, and so on. You'll simplify your thoughts and your life.

We are always focused on taking care of others and to our pilot needs. Taking care of yourself should be the priority. It should not be a big production, but it might require a change in your mindset. Once you get a priority so you can be 100% ready to focus on other things

Sources :. Workplace Options, www.getorganizednow.com, LifeWork Strategies EAP and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist Hospital. For more information, consult your doctor.

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