Take care of your heart - Why regular checkups are important

Take care of your heart - Why regular checkups are important -

Between work and school, care nearby, and maybe have a little time for your staff clean, you may think it is impossible to squeeze another appointment in your schedule already packed. You might not even think of heart tests, but take the time to have at least an annual examination is crucial to living a healthy life, even if you do not currently have vascular conditions. Some heart conditions - and their risk factors like high cholesterol - may go unnoticed if regular checkups and health screenings are not a part of your routine

The best way to prevent heart disease is detect and manage important. risk factors such as high blood pressure, high total cholesterol and high blood sugar. By performing annual screenings, your doctor may test these risk factors and prescribe the best treatment options. - Whether lifestyle changes, medications, or referring to a cardiologist for your

So what can you expect your balance sheet? Your doctor will perform several tests to determine if you are at risk for heart disease, including the following:

Test of blood pressure

The only way to detect high blood pressure is to have a blood pressure test. High blood pressure can cause serious damage to your arteries and create blood clots, which increases your risk of heart attack and heart failure. A reading of the blood pressure of 0/80 mm Hg or less is ideal, and your doctor may want to check your blood pressure more frequently if your number is higher or if you are aged over 65

cholesterol test

after 20 years, you should have your cholesterol checked every 4-5 years. High cholesterol shows no symptoms, and people with high cholesterol have no idea of ​​their risk until they are tested. A lipoprotein fasting profile is a blood test that shows the total cholesterol, LDL ( "bad") cholesterol, HDL ( "good" cholesterol "and triglycerides (another fat in the blood). A ideal total cholesterol level is below 0 mg / dL, and your doctor can work with you to reduce your LDL cholesterol levels.

test blood sugar

measuring the amount of glucose, or sugar, in the blood helps your doctor determine your risk of developing insulin resistance, pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes untreated diabetes can cause heart disease and stroke, among other complications medical. obesity increases your chances of having high blood sugar.

in addition to these tests, your doctor will need to know your body weight, your daily diet, your exercise routine and your smoking habits . high BMI (body mass index), poor diet, minimal exercise, and smoking all increase significantly your risk of heart disease, especially when paired with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or blood sugar high. Also, if you have a preexisting cardiovascular fitness, suffered a heart attack or stroke, or have diabetes, your doctor will ask you to have more frequent exams.

Take care of your heart should be a priority and get regular checkups is the best way to ensure you keep your heart healthy.

to learn more about keeping your heart healthy, visit the UPMC Institute of Cardiology and Vascular online or call 1-855-UPMC-HVI (876-2484) to schedule an appointment you.

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