Help your health with more laughter

Help your health with more laughter -

helps your health with more laughter

Do you and your health good by insisting less and laugh more. If you're like the average adult, you laugh about 15 to 18 times a day. It would actually make our healthy, emotionally and physically, so we laugh more every day.

Regarding the laughter, we can watch the kids as our kids-about role models laugh 0 times a day. Research suggests that children with a sense of humor are well developed happier and more optimistic. Children who can appreciate and share humor are better appreciated by their peers and are better equipped to manage differences and adversities.

For us adults too, laughter helps us to connect to others in our professional and personal lives. A good sense of humor can increase our capacity to face the challenges or see things from a different angle.

The laughter can be good medicine. A study at the University of Maryland found that laughter, with an active sense of humor, may help protect against heart disease. Other studies suggest that laughter has a positive physiological impact that can lead to muscle relaxation, reduction of stress hormones, boost the immune system, reducing pain, and exercise our heart, muscles of stomach and lungs.

Laughter can also help us to connect to others. Comedian Victor Borge describes laughter as "the shortest distance between two people." A positive attitude, stress reduction and strong connections to others can increase your resilience and ability to cope.

You must not be a comedian to find out the benefits of laughter. Most laughter is not generated by a joke, but rather situations everyday, warm gestures and sincere times. If you do not experience laughter during your day, it's worth understanding why.

Laughing Woman

Laughter can help protect against heart disease.

There are many things you can do to make sure that laughter is a part of your healthy lifestyle, such as:

  • Decorate your office space with family photos, cartoon calendar or other things that make you laugh and feel good. Laughter at work can increase creative energy.
  • Share a funny story or embarrassing moment with colleagues or friends. Laughter promotes positive relationships and can help break the ice in certain situations.
  • Try humor, appropriately, to get your point of view. humor in the workplace also helps to facilitate change. People who laugh often tend to be more flexible and adaptable. Be aware of cultural differences and avoid hostile practical jokes that can increase stress.
  • Do not take yourself too seriously. When we laugh at ourselves, we are less rigid and more spontaneous. Humor also makes us less afraid of making mistakes and more confident about overcoming failures.
  • Take time for fun and include your family. Join the children in made silly games. Allow time to watch your favorite comedy.
  • Spend time with friends or with whom you share a healthy pastime. Participating in a book club or basketball league, where the top priority is pleasure.
  • Visit the greeting card aisle on your next trip to the grocery store. If a funny card that makes you laugh, consider sending a friend.

By putting more laughter in your day, in addition to exercise and a good diet, you can improve the quality of your life and it can help protect against stress and disease

Sources :. The Nemours Center for Media Child Health, University of Maryland Medical Center, LifeWork EAP strategies and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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