Genetic counseling: A growing area of ​​opportunity

Genetic counseling: A growing area of ​​opportunity -

For scientists who want to use their genetic knowledge to help patients while potentially keeping one foot in research, genetic counseling can provide opportunities for rewarding careers one. He is still a young profession, with some PhD holders who have made the transition to date, but has interesting options for those who make the jump.

A small but growing profession

Today, the number of genetic counselors remains low worldwide. In 2014, 2400 genetic counselors have been employed in the United States, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) currently has over 4000 professionals certified in the US and Canada. (The United States was the first country to develop genetic counseling professionals with the introduction class graduated in 1971.) In the United Kingdom, where the work appeared in the early 1980s, there were only 300 counselors in genetics from 2011, according to a document produced by a European society of human genetics (ESHG) working group. And the profession is still lower than elsewhere in Europe, the authors of this paper report, with 75 genetic counselors in France; 65 in the Netherlands; 17 in Norway; 15 Denmark; 10 in Sweden; a handful each in Ireland, Spain and Switzerland; and none in Germany, Italy and many other countries.

But several signs bode well for the future growth of the profession. major research efforts to expand our understanding of how genetic variations can cause rare hereditary problems and cancer or interact with environmental factors and lifestyle influence, the most common complex diseases such as 100,000 Genomes project in the UK and precision medicine Initiative in the United States are ongoing. Meanwhile, DNA analysis technologies are becoming more affordable, with companies that offer a growing number of sequencing and genetic testing services, sometimes directly to consumers. In this changing landscape, the demand for professionals who can make sense of genetic information and help translate into clinical practice while browsing the psychological, ethical and legal pitfalls may develop.

This expansion is already underway in the United States, and the need for these trained professionals will continue to grow in the foreseeable future, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts. It provides for a rate of 29% growth for genetic counseling jobs between 2014 and 2024, compared to an average rate of 7% for all occupations. "We are therefore in a position when people who get genetic counseling [master’s] degrees mainly have their choice of what they would do," says the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) President Jehannine Austin.

employment opportunities are also on the rise in parts of Europe. UK says Sue Kenwrick, a senior genetic counselor at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge and Chair of the Education Committee of the Association of Nurses and genetic counselors (AGNC), "my experience ... is that referrals are being quickly up and genetic counseling roles are growing and growing, and there are not enough of us ... to meet labor needs. "(The AGNC also offers a useful document for understanding the genetic structure consulting career in the UK.) Similarly, professional 75 being trained in France aren 'enough to fill all vacancies t, says Christophe Cordier a french genetics counselor who was the first author on the paper ESHG working group. In contrast, seven councilors in the French part of Switzerland are sufficient to meet local demand, which is unlikely to increase until more funds will be available to create new positions, Cordier said.

genetic counseling positions are becoming available in many different medical fields and work environments. "Genetic counselors can work in several specialty areas, including prenatal care, cardiovascular disease, cancer, metabolic disorders, neurology, pediatrics, infertility, Pharmacogenetics, Genomic Medicine, and other, "the 2016 NSGC Professional Status Survey (PSS) genetic counselors in the United States and Canada. and while genetic counselors have traditionally worked in clinical settings, today, they are also finding work in commercial diagnostic laboratories and to a lesser extent, the non-profit organizations and government agencies. possible roles of genetic counselors are also increasingly include new applications and responsibilities. "These include working in administration, research, professional and public education, developing Web content, the public health laboratory support, consulting and public policy, "said the PSS report.

Many genetic counselors also have the opportunity to engage in academic research at one time or another in their careers. In the UK, some are as research assistants in university laboratories. In the US and Canada, they may hold genetic research advisory positions. As such, Austin said, "recognizes the greater autonomy and responsibility that these people often beyond what would traditionally provide for other types of research employed as a research assistant." In addition, some genetic counselors conduct research as part of a Ph. RE. or part-time postdoctoral position.

There are also opportunities for genetic counselors to hold senior academic positions. In fact, 22% of over 2,000 respondents PSS have research, teaching, and clinical faculty appointment-but only 11 of these faculty members are tenure track. Continuing academic tenure track position as a genetic counselor is challenging, noted Gillian Hooker, who earned a PhD in molecular biology, cellular and development before training and working as a counselor-genetics because many genetic counselors want continue to see patients, which can be difficult to balance with the functions of professor tenure track.

But whatever the title, "there are a lot of very large research questions out there" about the patient experience and the best way to provide information to them, says Hooker. "for Ph.Ds who do not want [stay] in the search but might want to do something that is more clinical or work more directly with patients, it is a great time to think about making this movement."

Get training

a career in genetic counseling requires a deep understanding of genetics, vast medical knowledge and clinical experience, and excellent communication and counseling skills. requirements specific training vary across the world, but in many countries, these skills can and should be learned through the degree program of control of 2 to 3 years. However, while employment opportunities have increased, training options are more limited and admission is quite competitive. At present, there are 33 accredited programs of genetic counseling mastery in the US and three in Canada, and in 2010 just over 30% of applicants for these programs have been accepted. (Most employers in North America candidates want to win or at least qualify for AWCE certification, which requires a degree from an accredited program.)

Across the pond, programs genetic counseling master are the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Romania, the Netherlands, Norway and Turkey, although there are significant variations in the training they provide. In an attempt to improve and harmonize the delivery of training and genetic counseling services across the continent, the European Medical Genetics Board recently set up a pan-European system of professional certification that recognizes six approved programs. And the UK, which in 1992 became the first in Europe to offer formal training, is revamping its system with the introduction of a new master program of 3 years in genomics council to begin in September 2016.

committees admissions for most programs for these teachers want to see evidence that candidates know what they are getting into, so candidates must demonstrate an understanding of the profession, says Austin. Good places to start are sites like SNJG of which has a section that presents the work and includes simulated counseling videos, she adds. Hooker suggests contacting the directors of master's programs and practice of genetic counselors to gather information on training needs and what the work is like, which will also help potential applicants to develop a sense to know if genetic counseling is really for them.

But nothing replaces the experience of real life to help people. To even be considered for admission, most programs require that applicants have experience providing support to individual counseling or working in a clinical environment or care. Often, candidates have volunteered with direct crisis lines, which sometimes offer a certain degree of training, or in domestic violence shelters, said Hooker. If possible, the observation of genetic counselors is also a good option because it allows aspiring counselors to see if they feel comfortable to be with patients and work in a clinical setting, it adds.

balancing compromise

invest another 2 to 3 years of your life and still obtain another degree can be a turn-off potential of Ph.D. scientists are considering genetic counseling path . But Austin advises, "not ... be retained by thinking that making a master's degree would be a step back in some way. It's not. You learn an entirely different set of skills." Obtaining his master's degree, for example, expanded its scientific knowledge and put it in the context of patient needs, she said. A master's degree in genetic counseling can also be helpful if you decide to pursue a research career, says Austin, who is an associate professor of medical genetics and psychiatry at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada . She attributes her academic success at least in part to the additional training, she gained by completing his degree of genetic counseling master, which allowed him to address clinical issues that received little attention.

Another drawback to Ph.D. scientists think about genetic counseling career can be the financial cost of continuing education, although tuition fees vary by program and country. "Once you have completed a PhD, you will not want to go back and pay for school," said Hooker, which was formed later spent a few years working as a program director associated with the Johns Hopkins Program / research Institute of the national University of the human genome genetic counseling training. But, she continues, the United States at least, "part of [programs] have good benefits of schooling and various financial transactions , so ... I would not rule [further training] immediately to anyone without exploring the issue. "and the UK, the new master's program will provide salary and tuition coverage of trainees, which will create "a more level playing field" for all those who might want to enter the profession, Kenwrick said.

the field is likely to continue to evolve as it becomes increasingly possible to interrogate large DNA tracks and decipher what genetic changes might mean for rare inherited disorders, and similar common complex diseases. More companies offer genetic and genomic services directly to consumers, the landscape where, and how genetic counseling is done is also likely to undergo profound changes. All this presents great challenges, opportunities and adaptation. "The great thing," Hooker said, "is that this is part of our philosophy already to meet the technology. ... So we hope that the field will continue to grow to meet demand, and at the same time develop new interesting models to reach more patients. "

Interested in entering the field? Read our last installment to the stories of how Kenwrick, Austin, Hooker, and Cordier each carved their own unique career paths. And if you failed See the first installment introduce the rewards-and-challenges of a career in genetic counseling.

further reading

  • "Changing roles of doctors and genetic counselors in the management of complex genetic disorders," by Celeste A. Shelton and David C. Whitcomb ( clinical and translational Gastroenterology , November 2015 )
  • "genetic counselors and genomic Counseling UK," by Anna Middleton et al. ( molecular genetics & genomic Medicine , March 2015)
  • "Angelina Jolie effect: how high celebrity profile can have a major impact on the delivery of cancer services", by D. Gareth R. Evans et al. ( Breast Cancer Research , September 2014)
  • "the role of the genetic counselor: a systematic review of research data." Heather Skirton et al ( European Journal of Human Genetics , June 2014)
  • "teaching Genomic Counseling: Preparing the workforce for genetic counseling era of genomics, "by Gillian W. Hooker et al. ( Journal of genetic counseling , February 2014)
  • "genetic counseling to" genomic board, "by Kelly E. Ormond ( molecular genetics and genomic medicine , November 2013)
  • "implementation of genomic medicine in the clinic: the future is here." by Teri A. Manolio et al ( Medical Genetics , January 2013)
  • "Defining the Role of the Laboratory genetic counselor," by Susan Christian and al. ( Journal of Genetic Counseling , November 2011)
  • ethical questions about genetic testing by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Ethics Committee and genetics Committee (June 08)
  • Maps and Genes: [conseil[A] survey for prospective students and current council genetic
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