6 Tips For Getting Those Greens

16:10 Add Comment
6 Tips For Getting Those Greens -

6 Tips For Getting Those Greens

Eating dark green vegetables as share of an overall healthy diet prevent prevention May some cancers, Promote heart health, and help to control weight and blood pressure. Dark green vegetables are significant to eat daily, As They contenir dietary fiber, high levels of vitamins A, C, E, and K, and key minerals, like magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium.


Continue to eat Those greens That You already know and love, goal try at least one new Each weekend.

According to the National Cancer Institute, most is Americans are not consuming the recommended daily water equivalent of fruits and vegetables; PARTICULARLY we are lacking in dark greens! Adults entre les ages of 30 and 51 years shoulds consume at least three cups of dark green vegetables every week, in addition to orange-colored --other and vegetables. Women older than 51 years of age need at least two cups of dark greens weekly. Those Who are More Physically Active May be ble to consume more while staying Within calorie needs.

When it comes to dark greens, there are lots of choices! The Following table lists Some dark green vegetables and what counts as one cup Toward your recommended amount.

Dark Green Vegetable What counts as one cup of vegetables?
Broccoli 1 cup chopped or florets3 spears 5 "long raw or cooked
greens: collards, mustard greends, turnip greens, kale 1 cup cooked
Spinach 1 cup cooked 2 cups raw is equivalent to 1 cup of vegetables
Raw leafy greens: Spinach, romaine, watercress, dark green leafy lettuce, endive, escarole 2 cups raw is equivalent to 1 cup of vegetables

Continue to eat Those greens That You already know and love, goal try at least one new Each weekend.

  1. When you eat dark green vegetables, make sour to add a teaspoon of dietary fat, Such as olive oil, cheese or salad dressing to make sour your body Absorbs all of the vitamins you eat.
  2. Broccoli can appeal to Both adults and kids! Steam and season with fresh lemon juice, add to stir fry omelets gold, gold enjoy raw broccoli in a salad or with a low-fat dip. Rotate broccoli with dark greens --other Such As bok choy, napa cabbage, collards, watercress, mustard greens gold.
  3. Arugula, endive, chicory, romaine lettuce and work great in wraps and salads. Add strawberries, nuts, and a vinaigrette dressing for a fresh spring or summer treat.
  4. Spinach is a powerhouse nutrition! Make a spinach salad with roasted almonds, mandarin oranges or apples, and extra virgin olive oil and garlic. You can sneak spinach in a fruit smoothie for the kids!
  5. Beet greens are high in potassium and May help to Maintain healthy blood pressure. Swiss chard, beets aussi with the family, Has an impressive list of health-promoting nutrients. Consider using chard in addition to spinach When prepaid vegetarian lasagna.
  6. Kale, an Excellent source of vitamin K, versatile-it works great in soups is, stews, and side dishes. Try Kale chips: remove leaves from thick stems and tear into "chip" sized rooms, toss with a little olive oil, spread evenly across a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, add a pinch of sea salt and bake in your oven at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes or up to brown edges.

Some dark green vegetables contenir high levels of oxalates, and in uncommon cases, May be Problematic for Individuals with medical conditions Such as kidney or gallbladder disease. Consult with your doctor prior to making sudden exchange to your diet

. Sources: National Cancer Institute, United States Department of Agriculture, LifeWork Strategies EAP, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist Hospitals. For medical advice, consult your physician.

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Heart Healthy Recipes: Chicken breasts with mushroom sauce

12:19 Add Comment
Heart Healthy Recipes: Chicken breasts with mushroom sauce -

This healthy chicken recipe makes for a satisfying dinner yet quick week. We like this version of health heart, courtesy of the American Heart Association.

How to make fried chicken breasts with mushroom cream sauce

  • Put the chicken in a large plate. Sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper.
  • fingertips, gently press the seasonings so they adhere to the chicken. Put 1/4 cup flour in a shallow dish.
  • Dip a piece of chicken at a time in the flour, turning to coat and shake off excess. I
  • In a large nonstick skillet, heat 1 1/2 teaspoons oil over medium-high heat, stirring to coat the bottom.
  • Cook the chicken for four minutes, or until golden brown on the bottom.
  • Turn and cook for two to four minutes, or until no longer pink in the center.
  • Transfer to a large separate plate. Cover to keep warm. Pour the remaining oil 1 tablespoon into the hot pan, swirling to coat the bottom.
  • Reduce heat to medium. Cook mushrooms and shallots for five minutes or until mushrooms are browned, stirring frequently.
  • Add garlic and thyme. Cook for a minute.
  • Sprinkle remaining flour 1 tablespoon of mushroom mixture. Cook for two minutes, stirring constantly.
  • gradually pour in the wine. Cook for two minutes, stirring constantly to avoid lumps.
  • Stir in broth. Bring to a boil and simmer for two minutes, or until sauce is thickened, stirring frequently. Reduce heat to a minimum.
  • Add sour cream. Do not let the mixture come to a boil, or sour cream will curdle.
  • Stir in parsley. Remove from heat and set aside.
  • Cut chicken diagonally. Pour sauce over chicken.

Ingredients for fried breast of chicken with creamy mushroom sauce

  • Four boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 4 ounces each), all visible fat cast
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • pepper to taste
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour and 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour, use , divided 1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon of olive oil, divided use
  • 12 ounces of Paris mushrooms, sliced ​​
  • 1 medium shallot, chopped
  • 2 medium garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled
  • 1 cup dry white wine ( regular or nonalcoholic)
  • 1/2, chicken fat low sodium cup
  • 1/4 cup fat free sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley finely

Nutrition Facts

Calories 291, Total fat 8.5 g saturated fat 1.5 grams, polyunsaturated fat 1 gram monounsaturated fats 4.5 grams, 75 milligrams cholesterol, 306 mg sodium, carbohydrates 15 grams of fiber 1 gram, 3 grams sugar, 29 grams protein.

more information on heart health by visiting the website of the Heart Institute and UPMC vascular.

pandas in captivity succumb to the killer virus

21:16 Add Comment
pandas in captivity succumb to the killer virus -

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The warning signs of eating disorders

15:09 Add Comment
The warning signs of eating disorders

- The warning signs of eating disorders

Eating disorders affect currently about 8 million Americans. Make sure you know the signs and warning symptoms.

The two predominant eating disorder known as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

  • Anorexia is characterized by a refusal to maintain minimal body weight normal
  • Bulimia is characterized by repeated episodes of binge eating followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors such as vomiting self-induced. misuse of laxatives, diuretics or other drugs; young; or excessive exercise.
  • A disturbance in perception of body shape and weight is a fundamental component of both disorders.

Eating disorders are the result of a combination of behavioral, biological, emotional, psychological and social. Those suffering from food disorders usually "feel fat" and consider themselves as overweight, even in spite of semi-starvation or malnutrition life threatening. In the early stages of these disorders, deny they have a problem. People with anorexia and bulimia tend to be perfectionists, suffer from low self-esteem, and are extremely critical of themselves and their bodies.

Eating disorders frequently co-occur with other psychiatric disorders such as depression, substance abuse, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders. Childhood traumas such as sexual abuse may increase the risk of developing these disorders. Many studies indicate that brain chemical imbalances can also be a factor in eating disorders

There are other medical and psychiatric conditions share similar symptoms, but the following may be signs warning of an eating disorder :.

  • weight at least 15% less than the normal, healthy weight expected for this high
  • intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight
  • self-evaluation unduly influenced by body shape and weight
  • the denial of the seriousness of current low body weight
  • frequent and fast food binges, marked by a lack of control
  • the regular induction vomiting or using laxatives to expel food intake and lose weight
  • extreme dieting and / or exercise between binging episodes
  • in women, the termination of three or more menstrual consecutive
  • Brittle texture of hair and nails
  • dry skin with a yellowish tint
  • chronically inflamed sore throat, tooth enamel wear, and / or gastro esophageal reflux

Sources: National Institute of mental health, Academy for eating disorders, American Psychiatric Association, the National eating disorders Association, American Academy of Child Psychiatry, and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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How to calculate body mass index of men

11:18 Add Comment
How to calculate body mass index of men -

An important part of the overall health of a man is to maintain a healthy body weight. Body mass index, or BMI, is a tool that lets you know if you are in a healthy range.

BMI takes your height and weight and provides a number that corresponds to a weight class, "underweight" or. "Overweight" BMI for men is one of many tools used to determine the risk for health conditions related to weight

Understanding your BMI

to calculate BMI, you do not need many steps. - Just your size and weight are required. Weigh yourself in the morning before breakfast to find your most accurate weight.

Measure your height and see the Center for Disease Control and Prevention BMI calculator for a more accurate result. Your BMI is just your weight in kilograms divided by your height in centimeters squared

Interpreting your BMI

Now that you have your BMI, see table shows the BMI men to determine the result :.

Weight Status body mass index
Underweight This is 18.5
normal 18.5 and 24.9
Overweight 25.0 to 29.9
obesity 30.0 and above

If you fall into the overweight or obese categories, you should make a plan with your doctor to reduce your weight through diet and exercise. The BMI calculator can also help you determine how much weight you need to lose to get into the "normal" weight category.

According to the CDC, men who are obese are at greater risk of heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, depression and other disorders. Men are particularly at risk of heart attack, and it is the leading cause of death in men.

risk reduction for your health with BMI

Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce your risk of these diseases - mainly by reducing the weight, taking on a healthy diet and become more physically active. For severely obese people, bariatric surgery has also been shown to be effective in reducing the risk for these diseases.

BMI is just one indicator of risk for weight-related health problems. Other considerations should also be taken into account, including physical activity, if you smoke, genetic factors, and more. Your doctor can help you determine your risk and help you form a plan to achieve your better health.

Learn more about getting healthy. Visit the Web page of UPMC BodyChangers.

Heart Attack Warning Signs

22:17 Add Comment
Heart Attack Warning Signs -

A heart attack, also called a myocardial infarction (MI) occurs when blood is blocked from flowing to the heart. When this happens, the heart muscle cells do not get the oxygen they need. This damages the heart and the cells begin to die.

The damage can occur in minutes. But it can be mitigated if emergency treatment is required immediately.

Am I at risk for a heart attack?

heart attacks can affect people of all ages. Some people are more likely than others to have a heart attack. Your chances of having a heart attack are based on risk factors. Some of these factors are modifiable, and some are not.

immutable risk factors

Risk factors

  • Age - risk heart attack increases
    to 45 for men and 55 for women
  • family history of heart disease
  • Previous coronary artery disease
  • smoking
  • Hypertension
  • high cholesterol
  • diabetes
  • Being overweight or obese
  • The lack of physical activity

Heart Attack Warning signs

There are a number of warning signs to look for if you think someone is having a heart attack, including:

  • chest pain or discomfort
  • pain that travels in the arm or in the area of ​​the jaw
  • pain between the shoulder blades
  • a feeling of indigestion

Know the warning signs of a heart attack is crucial. Early treatment in the first hours of a heart attack can reduce damage to the heart and even safe your life.

Heart Attack Symptoms

Chest Pain is the main symptom of a heart attack. This sign is more common in men than in women. Other symptoms include:

  • Breathlessness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Vertigo
  • rapid heartbeat
  • extreme weakness

If you or someone else experience any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately and an ambulance for the safest and quickest way to hospital. Do not have a friend or family member drive you to the emergency room, and do not drive .

If you think you have heart disease or be at risk of a heart attack, consult your primary care physician or visit Heart and Vascular Institute at UPMC website.

Is the fight infections salt diet?

20:15 Add Comment
Is the fight infections salt diet? -

The conventional wisdom is that sodium chloride consumption is too bad for you. Diets high in salt have been linked to high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and even autoimmune disorders. But a new study shows that dietary salt may also have effects boost the immune system. The researchers report that high levels of salt in the skin using mouse fight bacteria and humans may also constitute salt stocks on sites of infection.

"The idea that salt storage could have evolved for the host defense is very exciting," says Gwen Randolph, an immunologist at the University of Washington in St. Louis, which does has not participated in the study. "It's almost so new that it is difficult to swallow. I think it will take some time for the immunology community to allow this concept to take hold. "

The scientists recently learned that the connective tissue of the skin can serve as a reservoir for the sodium ions when we consume large amounts of salt. When Jens Titze, a clinical pharmacologist at the School of Vanderbilt University in Nashville medicine and lead author of the study, studied the salt intake in mice, he noticed that even the mice on the diet low salt concentrations had abnormally high salt in the injured skin . Titze and his colleagues realized that the immune cells that arrive in injured skin fight infection entered a salty microenvironment. They hypothesized that the body was hanging salt on the infected skin to protect against invaders. in other words, "we Salting our cells to protect us," said Jonathan Jantsch, a microbiologist at the University of Regensburg in Germany and lead author of the study, which appears in the current issue of cell Metabolism .

whether all that extra sodium chloride or interfered help immunity, researchers have turned to macrophages, an immune cell that engulfs and digests invading pathogens. Activated macrophages kill invading microbes by releasing molecules called reactive slaying oxygen species, and the team thought that high concentrations of salt could trigger immune cells to produce these compounds. The team macrophages cultured mouse and salt sprinkled in the bath of nutrients until the cells were growing at a concentration equivalent of sodium chloride at what they had seen in the skin infected by rodents. Salt has increased the ability of immune cells, the team reports microbe-killing; macrophages exposed to high concentrations of sodium chloride released much microbicidal molecules than those who grew up in a salt-free culture medium. Then the team infected macrophages with common pathogens Escherichia coli or Leishmania major . After 24 hours, the E. coli load in macrophages exposed to high concentrations of sodium chloride is less than half that macrophages cultured without salt and major L. infections decreased as well.

To test whether increased consumption of salt enhances the immune system in live mice, the researchers fed one group of mice a diet high in salt and the other a low-salt diet for 2 weeks and infected skin on the footpads of rodents l. major . For the next 20 days, both groups of mice showed significant swelling in their footpads that keep the infection, regardless of diet. After this period, however, the mice on salt-rich diet improved healing with less foot lesions and parasite load lower than the group eating poor food salt.

"[The experiments] demonstrate that the extremes of salt consumption results of additional salt accumulation in the infected skin and stimulate the immune experimentally," says Jantsch.

humans, the group found evidence that salt accumulation can be localized to sites of infection. Using a new MRI technique that measures the sodium in the skin, the team found abnormally high levels of salt accumulation in bacterial skin infections of people, if they consume a diet high in salt.

Taken together, the group's findings indicate that mice and humans can enjoy a salt boost resulted in immune defense. But do not start charging more salt on your chips just yet. "The only thing you do not want to draw from this study is that it allows you to eat more salt to improve immunity," says Randolph. A high salt diet may have been a useful way to fight against infections our ancestors, before antibiotics existed we lived long enough to develop heart disease, but today, the harmful effects of a diet high in salt outweigh the immunological benefits, according to Jantsch. the increasing the concentration of salt in the infected skin from outside the body by charging the tissue with salt intravenous fluids, gels wounds or bandages, may be a potential for a more realistic implementation of the results, said -he.

additional research is needed before such treatments are possible, but the results "raise the possibility that this relatively simple mechanism might be able to improve or promote immunity," explains Thomas Coffman, a nephrologist at the medical Center of Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. "It is very challenging from this point of view."

Be a calorie counter

14:08 Add Comment
Be a calorie counter -

be a calorie counter

Before beginning a diet, it is essential to know how your body takes the energy and nutrition. Diets are almost always one thing, calories and calories burned. That is why it is essential to be a calorie counter

We all need daily calories for energy. but not all calories are created equal in terms of nutritional value of a food. Moreover, we come in all sizes and each person's body burns energy (calories) at different rates. Although there is not a specific number of calories that everyone has to eat, there is a recommended range based on gender, age and activity level.

Gender Age sedentary Moderately active assets



51 +








from 2.000 to 2.0









2.0 to 2.400


from 2.800 to 3.000

from 2.400 to 2.800

  • sedentary means a way of life, including the only light activity associated with typical day- life today.
  • Moderately active includes an activity equivalent to walking about 1.5 to 3 miles per day 3-4 miles per hour, in addition to a typical business day by day .
  • an active lifestyle includes exercise equivalent to walking more than 3 miles per day.

Thinking the right amount of calories for you, also consider a good objective health weight:

  • To maintain weight, calories (food and drink consumed) must equal calories out (metabolic activity + + routine physical activity).
  • To lose weight, calories should be less than calories out.
  • To save weight, calories should be more than calories out.
Fatty High Calorie Food

Get too much fatty food calories can be dangerous.

Consuming too many calories from nutrient-poor and calorie-rich foods, such as sugar and solid fats, and having a sedentary lifestyle is a dangerous situation. It can lead to obesity and increased risk of disease. Work on improving your intake of energy and well-being:

  • Make selections nutrients from the basic food groups, especially foods that are good sources of vitamin E, potassium, calcium and fibers.
  • To lose a pound a week, consume about 3500 calories less per week. Reduce your daily intake by 500 calories per day. Keep your metabolism revved up by eating smaller, more frequent meals.
  • Keep a food diary.
  • Increase physical activity. If you are not active, start walking and gradually build up to 1.5 to 3 miles a day. As the weather warms, enjoy exercising family and outdoor games.
  • Consult your doctor, health professional or wellness coach a nutrition and exercise program that fits your needs. Pregnant and lactating women may need an extra 300 calories each day; talk with your doctor about your calorie needs

Sources :. HHS Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MedlinePlus, American Dietetics Association, the American Heart Association, MyFoodPyramid.gov, Strategies and LifeWork Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. For more information, consult your doctor.

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5 tips for a healthy heart

21:16 Add Comment
5 tips for a healthy heart -

heart specialists have identified key ways to reduce the risk of heart disease that involve factors that lead to clogged arteries reduce. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for men and women. It can appear in many forms, including:

  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Hypertension
  • cardiac arrhythmia
  • Valve disease

although there are risk factors for heart disease that can not be changed such as age, family history of heart disease and previous coronary artery disease, the good news is that heart disease is often preventable. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy heart:

  1. Eat a healthy diet for the heart - Avoid foods and high salt content foods. Choose a diet low in cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fat. Include a variety of foods all the food groups each day
  2. Regular exercise -. 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week burns fat and lowers cholesterol. Exercise also helps lower blood pressure, or keep it low if normal already
  3. Reducing stress -. When you are stressed, your heart rate increases, blood pressure may rise, and your immune system is not working as well. Try relaxation simple techniques such as breathing or yoga to de-stress
  4. Maintain a healthy body weight - .. Obesity increases cholesterol, plaque and inflammation arteries
  5. Quit smoking -. Cigarettes and cigarette smoke contain more than 4,000 harmful ingredients, many of which contribute to heart disease and can cause cancer

always consult your doctor before starting an exercise program. If you think you may have, or are at risk for heart disease, consult your primary care physician or visit the Heart and Vascular Institute at UPMC UPMC.com/HVI.

Trouble for hormone exercise '

19:14 Add Comment
Trouble for hormone exercise ' -

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Since It was first described in 2012, the irisin hormone has raised hopes and controversy. In mice, the molecule seems to be released from muscles after exercise and circulate in the blood, promoting the production of brown fat burning energy cells. But as other labs have tried to develop the idea that irisin is a key regulator of metabolism and a potential drug target for metabolic diseases in humans, they obtained conflicting results. A new study sheds a tear in the irisin history by challenging the reliability of commonly used antibody-based test kits to detect the molecule. Its authors argue that most studies measuring irisin in human blood are not valid.

Help your health with more laughter

13:07 Add Comment
Help your health with more laughter -

helps your health with more laughter

Do you and your health good by insisting less and laugh more. If you're like the average adult, you laugh about 15 to 18 times a day. It would actually make our healthy, emotionally and physically, so we laugh more every day.

Regarding the laughter, we can watch the kids as our kids-about role models laugh 0 times a day. Research suggests that children with a sense of humor are well developed happier and more optimistic. Children who can appreciate and share humor are better appreciated by their peers and are better equipped to manage differences and adversities.

For us adults too, laughter helps us to connect to others in our professional and personal lives. A good sense of humor can increase our capacity to face the challenges or see things from a different angle.

The laughter can be good medicine. A study at the University of Maryland found that laughter, with an active sense of humor, may help protect against heart disease. Other studies suggest that laughter has a positive physiological impact that can lead to muscle relaxation, reduction of stress hormones, boost the immune system, reducing pain, and exercise our heart, muscles of stomach and lungs.

Laughter can also help us to connect to others. Comedian Victor Borge describes laughter as "the shortest distance between two people." A positive attitude, stress reduction and strong connections to others can increase your resilience and ability to cope.

You must not be a comedian to find out the benefits of laughter. Most laughter is not generated by a joke, but rather situations everyday, warm gestures and sincere times. If you do not experience laughter during your day, it's worth understanding why.

Laughing Woman

Laughter can help protect against heart disease.

There are many things you can do to make sure that laughter is a part of your healthy lifestyle, such as:

  • Decorate your office space with family photos, cartoon calendar or other things that make you laugh and feel good. Laughter at work can increase creative energy.
  • Share a funny story or embarrassing moment with colleagues or friends. Laughter promotes positive relationships and can help break the ice in certain situations.
  • Try humor, appropriately, to get your point of view. humor in the workplace also helps to facilitate change. People who laugh often tend to be more flexible and adaptable. Be aware of cultural differences and avoid hostile practical jokes that can increase stress.
  • Do not take yourself too seriously. When we laugh at ourselves, we are less rigid and more spontaneous. Humor also makes us less afraid of making mistakes and more confident about overcoming failures.
  • Take time for fun and include your family. Join the children in made silly games. Allow time to watch your favorite comedy.
  • Spend time with friends or with whom you share a healthy pastime. Participating in a book club or basketball league, where the top priority is pleasure.
  • Visit the greeting card aisle on your next trip to the grocery store. If a funny card that makes you laugh, consider sending a friend.

By putting more laughter in your day, in addition to exercise and a good diet, you can improve the quality of your life and it can help protect against stress and disease

Sources :. The Nemours Center for Media Child Health, University of Maryland Medical Center, LifeWork EAP strategies and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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What to Expect When You Get an EKG

20:15 Add Comment
What to Expect When You Get an EKG -

An electrocardiogram or ECG heart test that made a recording of the electrical activity of your heart. This allows electrical activity to determine the rate and rhythm of your heart. It can help doctors see if you have damage of the heart muscle or electrical problems in the heart

Why Performed electrocardiogram

The test is used to measure.?

  • Damage to the heart
  • how fast your heart is beating and whether it beats normally
  • The size and position of your heart chambers
  • the effects of drugs or devices used to control the heart like a pacemaker

This is usually the first test done to determine whether a person has heart disease. Your doctor may order this test if:

  • You have chest pain or palpitations
  • You planned for surgery
  • You had heart problems the past
  • you have a family history of heart disease

How to prepare for an ECG

Make sure your doctor knows all the medications you take because some can interfere with the test results.

The day of your test, do not put lotions, oils, powders or on your chest. You will be asked to remove clothing above the waist and given a hospital gown to wear. Some male patients may need to have small areas of the shaved chest because the hair on the chest will not allow the electrodes stick to the skin

How is an ECG done?

  • During the test, you lie so many sticky patches called electrodes are placed on your arms, chest and legs to check your heart rate, rhythm and electrical activity of your heart
  • electrodes are connected to a machine that records the electrical activity of your heart
  • you will be asked to relax, lie still and breathe normally while the information recording electrodes on a moving strip of paper
  • the test is painless, no electricity is sent through the body
  • the test takes only a few minutes

After electrocardiogram

After your ECG, you can go with your usual activities. Call the office of your doctor two to three business days after your test and your doctor will review your test results with you. Visit UPMC treatment of heart Vascular Institute page for more information.

Scourge of sheep and goat farmers for the eradication of the meeting

18:12 Add Comment
Scourge of sheep and goat farmers for the eradication of the meeting -

Specialist Animal Health in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, yesterday agreed to try to rid the world of peste des petits ruminants (PPR), a viral disease of goats and sheep devastating herds throughout Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Control efforts have fallen short. The time has come for a "next bold step," said José Graziano da Silva, director general of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, FAO organized the meeting with the Organization World animal health (OIE) to launch a global eradication program.

also known as PPR, PPR kills up to 0% of the animals it infects within days. The virus has spread rapidly over the past 15 years and is now present in 70 countries, with 80% of more than 2 billion of goat and sheep in the world at risk. FAO estimates that the disease causes more than $ 2 billion in losses annually and is an economic disaster for small farmers and poor rural households that depend on animals for milk, meat, wool and leather for both their own use and for trade.

The eradication plan envisages a phased approach. The evaluation phase requires determining the number and location of the most at-risk herds and strengthening veterinary capacity. Then control efforts based on voluntary vaccination should lead to an endgame in which the authorities could apply vaccination. The last step would be for countries to verify that there has been no case of PPR within their borders for at least 24 months. FAO and OIE estimate that they will need $ 4 billion to $ 7 billion over the next 15 years to achieve their goal.

There are a reliable PPR vaccine, although the organizations wish to see improvements to prolong its life in hot climates. They note that the strengthening of veterinary capacity would also benefit efforts to fight against other diseases, such as FMD, and improve overall animal health.

The Plan builds on the lessons of the eradication of rinderpest, a disease caused by a related virus that struck the livestock for millennia. After several attempts to control rinderpest failed, FAO launched a global eradication of rinderpest program in 1993 and declared the vanquished disease in 2011. This was the first time in history that an animal virus had been eradicated.

Paul Rossiter, a veterinarian British consultant who has participated in the campaign of rinderpest, PPR notes that stress starts with a number of advantages. Diagnostic and monitoring tools are not available in the early days of rinderpest program are now ready to go for use against PPR. These include tests for antibodies and to identify the different viral strains. But it also flags challenges in the field. Many local farmers and veterinarians are still unfamiliar with PPR, which can be confused with other infections. And the large number of sheep and goats, and the rapid replacement rates of animals, will complicate efforts to achieve sufficient levels of herd immunity to stop transmission of the virus. Thus Rossiter believes that a central challenge facing the eradication of PPR program will develop the largest and most imaginative immunization programs.

Fruits and vegetables - Other matters

12:06 Add Comment
Fruits and vegetables - Other matters

- Fruits and vegetables - More Questions

Throughout our childhood we have probably often heard, "Eat your fruits and vegetables "; This is a statement that is still true as an essential part of living a healthy and nutritious life. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of certain cancers and other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and stroke. In addition, fruits and vegetables provide many essential vitamins and minerals, fiber and other nutrients a healthy body needs every day. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat, but still rich in nutritional value, plus they are simply delicious, so why not add more of your daily meals?

Man Buying Apple at Outdoors Market The recommended amount of fruit and vegetables needed generally depends on your age, sex and level of physical activity, but with our busy schedules, monitoring and calculating the exact amount can become a bit tedious. The American Heart Association recommends eating eight or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day. An average adult consumes 2,000 calories per day should aim to 4.5 cups of fruits and vegetables daily. There is a wide selection of foods that fall into these two food groups to add more fruits and vegetables in your meals throughout the day will allow you to consume the recommended amount without realizing it!

The sooner you start, the sooner you'll realize how easy to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet can be and you will start to reap the health benefits. You can get creative with how you add more fruits and vegetables to your diet! Here are some ideas to boost the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet:

  • Add fruits and vegetables to foods you like Try adding vegetables on top pizza and slices. fruits, such as bananas or strawberries on top of breakfast cereals, oatmeal or low-fat yogurt.
  • Mix them. Mix vegetables in pasta sauces, lasagna, casseroles, soups and omelettes. Mixture of fresh or frozen fruit in pancakes, waffles or muffins is another good idea.
  • Make a fruit smoothie. Make a delicious smoothie by blending milk or fat-free or low-fat yogurt with fresh or frozen fruit. Try bananas, peaches, blueberries, strawberries or other berries. You can also throw some kale and / or spinach (you will not even taste the difference).
  • Keep a package of dried fruit in your desk or bag. Some fruits that are available dried include apricots, apples, pineapples, bananas, etc.
  • ready for easy access, go to taste. prepare, store and refrigerate cut fruit and vegetables the night before a busy work day to find a healthy snack for the day will not become a problem.
  • Capture your dessert! Frozen grapes are a great sweet treat for after dinner or throughout the day. Apples with peanut butter are also a great alternative to dessert for those with a sweet tooth

Sources :! Centres United States Department of Agriculture Disease Control and Prevention, the American Heart Association, LifeWork Strategies EAP and Adventist HealthCare.

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NCAA athlete Isaiah Austin Marfan Syndrome Diagnosis dreams Despite

19:14 Add Comment
NCAA athlete Isaiah Austin Marfan Syndrome Diagnosis dreams Despite -

Isaiah Austin, a NCAA athlete who played center for the college basketball team Baylor Bears, was destined to become a first round NBA draft pick in June 2014. However, in the days before the NBA draft, Austin has tested positive for Marfan syndrome. Diagnosis may have sidelined his career-but not the athlete as a defender of those suffering from the disease.

What is Marfan syndrome?

The Marfan syndrome is a genetic disease that affects one of every 5,000 men and women. It affects the connective tissue of the body, which holds the cells and organs of the body together, play an important role in growth and development.

The disease is hereditary, and does not discriminate on the basis of gender or race. Occasionally, an individual can become the first person in the family to develop the disease. This is known as a "spontaneous mutation."

Marfan syndrome is present in a person's birth, although some signs are not visible until the teens or . adulthood

Some telltale symptoms of Marfan syndrome are:

  • enlargement of the aorta - the symptoms may not be evident until that a person is adult or young adult
  • Grand stature
  • thin frame
  • long arms, legs and fingers
  • teeth Crowded
  • flat feet
  • flexible joints
  • Chest either sticks or is sunken inwards
  • curvature of the spine
  • stretchmarks on the skin not related to rapid weight loss or gain
  • eye ​​problems such as extreme nearsightedness, early glaucoma or cataracts
  • suddenly of a lung collapse

Isaiah Austin corresponds to many people profile Marfan syndrome. He stands 7'1 "and has very long legs -.. A characteristic of those who have the disease Austin is also blind in one eye after a detached retina vision problems are a characteristic of the syndrome Marfan, as well.

is the mortal Marfan syndrome?

Marfan syndrome could potentially be fatal. the most common cause of death for people with the disorder is an aortic dissection. Because Marfan syndrome affects connective tissues of the body, this means that a small tear in the walls of the heart and aorta can become bigger and cause the aorta to grow larger , resulting in an aneurysm.

How Marfan syndrome Be treated?

There is no cure for Marfan syndrome, but early detection and treatment can help prevent or slow the progression of complications. Routine heart tests can help monitor the heart health of those with Marfan's syndrome. In some cases, surgery may be needed to replace the affected part of the aorta or the aneurysm to prevent the aortic dissection. In addition, there are now drugs, such as beta-blockers, and angiotensin receptors, which can help delay the development of an aneurysm of the aorta.

Hospital UPMC Pittsburgh children participated in a national survey conducted by the Pediatric Heart Network to compare the effects of treatment with beta blockers against angiotensin receptor blockers to prevent aortic aneurysms in pediatric patients with Marfan's syndrome.

The Future Isaiah Austin?

As reported by Forbes , Isaiah Austin recently launched a website and is committed to raising awareness of Marfan syndrome. His website offers t-shirts that sport the slogan "Dream Again." Sales of shirts support the Marfan Foundation, a comprehensive resource for patients, and health professionals have loved.

In an interview with ESPN, Austin said, "I had a dream that my name would be called," despite his diagnosis When he met with officials from the NBA before the draft and. discussed his ineligibility, the NBA scheduled to honor the young athlete and public awareness to his cause.

in an emotional moment during the NBA draft, Austin was given a chance by the NBA " dream Again "when Adam Silver NBA commissioner called his name, which makes the dream of Austin is realized. While Austin can be left out of the court because Marfan syndrome, it is intended to be one of the biggest rebounds in his career by raising awareness for those who are also living with the disease.

Three dimensional printed throat implants save three children

17:11 Add Comment
Three dimensional printed throat implants save three children -

three-dimensional printed throat implants recently recorded three newborn boys in the United States-Kaiba, Garrett and Ian-nearly certain death, according to a new report today in science Translational Medicine . All suffered from tracheobronchial bronchomalacia, causing the trachea in infants collapse periodically and prevents normal breathing. The condition usually leads to devastating side effects, including an inability to absorb food, respiratory failure and even cardiac arrest. Researchers conducted CT scans on each boy to determine the size and the precise shape of their trachea. The images are integrated into a computer model to design hollow, tube-shaped plastic splints (top). These were then manufactured by 3D printing technique called laser sintering wherein a laser melts the plastic particles powder and layer by layer to build a 3D structure from the bottom upwards. The splints were designed not only to be flexible, to allow the air to move, but also to stretch slowly over time to match the growth of the trachea of ​​each boy. They were made from polycaprolactone, a polymer which degrades naturally over 3 to 4 years when exposed to fluids in the body. For each child, surgeons splints wrapped around the damaged trachea and sewed in place to keep the airway open. Splints worked so that each boy was able to come off a mechanical ventilator , leave the ICU, and even return home. The boys are now between 17 months and 3 years. Once their splints tracheal dissolve completely, tracheas boys should be developed enough that they should continue to grow and work normally.

National Diabetes Month: Get Active

11:05 Add Comment
National Diabetes Month: Get Active -

National Diabetes Month: Get Active

small steps (literally) can have great rewards for prevention type 2 diabetes.

physical activity can help control glucose levels in the blood by enhancing your body's ability to use insulin. Physical activity includes aerobic exercise, strength training, flexibility exercises, and the day of daily activities.

Choose one or two activities that you enjoy, grab a friend and start! The development of a support system and choice of activities you enjoy will help you meet your physical activity routine

Aerobic Exercise :. Aerobic activity improves cardiovascular health. Do aerobic exercise for 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week shows many health benefits. If your goal is to lose weight, try and exercise for 60 minutes most days of the week.

  • Take a fall hiking / jogging
  • Try skiing
  • ride a bike or an indoor stationary bike
  • Try a new class aerobics in the gym

Strength training: Doing exercises with dumbbells, machines and exercise bands increases muscle mass and helps you burn more calories, even when you are resting. Adding strength training can be difficult to start, try:

  • Buying a video to follow along with at home or search the internet for free
  • Join an exercise class that uses weights
  • Use an application on your phone that shows a routine
  • many gyms, if you join a new member, will offer a session Free personal training!

exercise flexibility Stretching helps your flexibility, prevents muscle pain / injuries and lowers stress levels. It is best to start and end your physical activity with 5-10 minutes of stretching. Yoga is also another great way to get

flexibility exercises

day activities Day Including an additional activity bit in your day to day routine increase the number of calories you burn and also improve glucose levels in the blood. Here are some ways to add more activity to your routine:

  • Take the stairs whenever possible
  • Take a brisk 10-minute walk on your lunch break
  • Park farther away than you normally
  • Take the dog for a walk
  • get up to go to a co-worker instead of calling or email them

for more information about counseling outpatient nutrition and diabetes education at Washington Adventist Hospital, please call 301-891-6105 .

Get more expert advice on how to prevent and manage diabetes by joining us on World Diabetes Day on Thursday, November 14th 11-2 pm at Washington Adventist Hospital cafeteria and halls conference to an educational event on diabetes FREE including free health screenings, demonstrations, exercises and cuisine, price and more! Call 301-891-6105 for more information.

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Ask the dietitian: Super Bowl Snacks Part II healthier

22:04 Add Comment
Ask the dietitian: Super Bowl Snacks Part II healthier -

Ask the dietitian: Super Bowl Party Snacks healthy II

Instead of serving too much junk food typically found at events of super Bowl Masha Fox-Rabinovich, MA, RD, LDN, CDE, outpatient dietitian at Washington Adventist hospital, offers healthy alternatives these will please any crowd! Read Part I for chip and dip healthy ideas.

Consider these game-winning Substitutes

  • Serve popcorn instead of smart snacks like (cheese curls, crackers, etc.).
Masha Fox Rabinovich

Masha Fox Rabinovich

Popcorn is a whole grain, which means more fiber and nutrients than refined starches found in many crackers. Skip the movie theater butter variety. Get plain, unflavored popcorn and add some tasty fat and protein sprinkling of parmesan or another type of cheese and toss in a handful or two of nuts.

  • Include various bowls of nuts with shells instead of snacks like cookies, chips and other items easy to grasp.

Peanuts are fine, but consider including walnuts, almonds or shelled nuts harder. Do not forget to provide customers with a few nutcrackers. This is a fun snack room, filled with healthy fats, fiber and protein (which all help you fill faster if you eat less in total). Also, because it requires a little work, you are more likely to eat smaller portions.

  • If you serve chili, add a lot of beans, lentils, greens and other vegetables.

Include onions, mushrooms, peppers, zucchini, spinach, kale, etc. These additions increase the nutrient density of chili while adding more flavors and textures that we value, but may have forgotten about.

  • Go cakes and cookies bought in stores and make your own dessert. Here is one of my favorite recipes:
    • Fresh, Healthy Fruit Kebabs Fruit skewers with Greek yogurt and chocolate Cut a variety of fruit in pieces and portions bites evenly on wooden skewers . . Serve with plain Greek yogurt for dipping. Plain Greek yogurt is pleasantly tart, making it a perfect complement to the natural sweetness of fruits like berries, oranges, pineapple, grapes, etc.
      • On the side, serve squares of dark chocolate or dark chocolate covered almonds.
      • Include brownies cut into small pieces on some fruit kebabs.

Be smart with drinks.

If serving alcohol, make sure to provide attractive alternatives that will please your guests. Here are some ideas:

    • cold teas My favorites are raspberry, peppermint and fishing, but there are many to choose from .. Check store aisles grocery who teas
    • or sparkling water jugs with cut fruit thrown in. Strawberries, oranges / lemons and other fruits water to give a strong essence of fruit. It is refreshing and keep hydrated without unhealthy added sugars found in fruit juices, punches, lemonades, sodas and other sugary drinks.
  • If the food order, choose the healthiest options:
    • order thin crust Pizza with lots of vegetable toppings
    • order cooked wings . instead of fries, and serve with a dip made house

Finally, remember that foods is an important part of gatherings and celebrations, but not the most important. Do not feel guilty if you over-indulge. If you eat more than you should, do mindfully (which means paying attention as you do - you eat less that way). Check in with your body and to explore how physically hungry or full you are. If you are not hungry, re-direct your attention to something more meaningful. Focus on the things that really matter as watch and enjoy the game (and the ads), and socializing!

Beware healthier our resident dietitian advice, coming soon! Do you have questions about food or dieting? We would like to hear from you! Please share your questions in the comments section below.

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How cold weather affects your cardiovascular system

18:13 Add Comment
How cold weather affects your cardiovascular system -

As temperatures cool in the fall and winter, the change of season affects your body in a variety of ways. Frigid winds make you shiver; dry air chaps the lips and unprotected hands; and a lack of sunlight can even cause depression.

How cold affects the heart

The cold weather also puts tremendous pressure on the heart. Low temperatures cause your blood vessels and arteries to narrow, reducing blood flow and reducing oxygen to the heart. Your heart must pump harder to circulate blood through narrowed blood vessels. . As a result, your blood pressure and increased heart rate

A sudden increase in blood pressure - especially when combined with the external force, such as shoveling a snowy sidewalk - can cause problems such as serious:

  • unstable chest pain
  • heart attack
  • stroke

what is hypothermia?

Another danger in cold weather is hypothermia, which is when your body temperature drops dangerously low - below 95 degrees Fahrenheit. When this happens, your heart, nervous system and other organs can not function properly. Untreated, hypothermia can lead to heart failure and respiratory system and death

The symptoms of moderate to severe hypothermia include :.

  • Many chills or stop by shivering
  • Lack of coordination
  • speech
  • Confusion
  • weak pulse
  • slow, shallow breathing
  • somnolence

your body is fighting hypothermia by keeping your heart as warm as possible. This causes a lack of circulation, especially at the ends of your body such as fingers and toes, which may cause frostbite

stages Frostbite

There are three stages of frostbite -. Frostnip, superficial, and advanced.

  • frostnip is the mildest form and earlier frostbite. It may feel like pins and needles, throbbing, pain or numbness.
  • The second stage of frostbite is superficial and can be identified by the skin turns white or very pale and hard. After warming treatment, the skin may appear blue or purple blisters filled with fluid and can appear.
  • Severe frostbite affects all layers of the skin. You may lose sensation and the ability to use the joints or muscles. The affected skin may become black and hard as the tissue dies, damaging tendons, muscles, nerves and bones.

frostnip can be treated at home by wrapping sterile dressings around the infected area. You should always consult a doctor if symptoms of superficial or serious frostbit occur. Other symptoms of frostbite include fever, dizziness and general malaise.

How to avoid cold heart related problems

To avoid any heart or circulatory system risk this winter, be sure to:

  • Dress warmly . Although hypothermia usually takes longer exceed the body, frostbite can occur within minutes. Be sure to cover the head, ears, fingers and feet properly.
  • Avoid over exertion. Take frequent breaks while performing physical activities outdoors.
  • Stick to soft drinks. Alcohol may make you feel deceptively warm, forcing you to underestimate the actual temperature of your body and making you more susceptible to hypothermia.

If you or a loved one has heart disease, to take additional steps to ensure that you have a safe winter, and always seek medical care or advice from a doctor if you you feel in danger of one of the cold weather effects. For more information, visit the Heart and Vascular Institute UPMC online or call 1-855-UPMC-HVI (876-2484) to schedule an appointment.

expensive new drugs for hepatitis C and cancer are essential drug list

16:10 Add Comment
expensive new drugs for hepatitis C and cancer are essential drug list

- The number of new expensive drugs that treat hepatitis C and some common cancers appear on the last list of essential medicines (EML) published by the World health Organization (WHO). An expert committee every two years selects drugs to the list on the basis of scientific evidence that the drugs work and are safe and profitable. The list of this year, published May 8 includes five new drugs that target the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and 16 new drugs against cancer. Including expensive influential members of the list include sofosbuvir for HCV and drug Gleevec leukemia. (In rich countries, a full course of treatment with these drugs cost more than $ 75,000 per patient.) "We try to use the list as a lever to increase access and other actions at the global level" says Nicola Magrini, a pharmacologist in Bologna, Italy, and the top supervisor of the WHO EML.

many developing countries use EML to achieve their own lists, which help determine how much money they invest in the various drugs. "Call some" essential "drugs, it is clear that they are more important than others, and the countries conduct their attention to these drugs," said Magrini. But he stressed that the WHO "passes" country, but not "direct" and he also "did not participate in price fixing or price negotiation."

EML includes over 400 drugs and vaccines and focuses on common diseases and conditions. Magrini described the list as "a flag" a neutral party a drug "profitable" is of little use if the country can not afford it. " this demonstrates the need to redefine what it means cost efficiency, "said Magrini. "It is not part of the solution. This is part of the problem."

But Magrini says it still takes too long for many lifesaving drugs become widely available and puts EML identify gaps. For example, the manufacturer of sofosbuvir, Gilead Sciences Inc. of Foster City, California, sells drugs to Egypt at a discount and allows generic manufacturers in India to produce and sell in the 91 poorest countries. But advocates have criticized Gilead for not offering treats some 50 middle-income countries, and they hope the list, which the company actually asked EML-will create a dynamic of falling prices worldwide. "The list is a very smart tool," said Magrini.

Food for Thought: Cooking Mushrooms

21:03 Add Comment
Food for Thought: Cooking Mushrooms

- Food for Thought: Cooking Mushrooms

Wondering how certain foods affect your body

do you know what ingredients can help support your health?

you are looking for creative new recipes?

Welcome to our Food for Thought blog series that will aim to answer these questions and more every month! Tune in to get nutritional advice from experts Masha Fox-Rabinovich , outpatient dietitian and diabetes educator at Washington Adventist Hospital, and kitchen savvy techniques Randall Smith , executive chef for Adventist HealthCare.

Chef Randall

Chief Randall Smith, executive chef for Adventist HealthCare, is the author of "Farm Fresh Flavors", a valuable guide to cooking with fresh, local ingredients. Learn more about www.cooklocalfood.com or follow @cooklocalfood

This month, it's all about mushrooms!

Either you love or you hate. Mushrooms rarely a neutral response to person, but they are one of the perfect foods from nature

Here's why :.

  • They are easy to cook and deliver the richness and sweetness in a package that is low in fat and low in calories.
  • they are in season all year, and in our part of the country, they are of local origin. Most cultivated mushrooms come from Pennsylvania.
  • They are a guilt-free food and I do not think you can eat enough.

Cooking Tips

Cooking and mushrooms service is simple, but keep it in mind during preparation:

1) mushrooms are almost always better cooked and they are the best well -cooked. This is different from most other vegetables which usually tend to get overcooked.

2) They should always be cooked until browning occurs. This enhances the sweetness and goes with everything seasoning with the fungus completely. You can do it in a hot pan, but I find it easier to roast them in an oven or broiler

Recipe :. Simple roasted mushrooms

I like to roast mushrooms in advance for use in recipes. It is an easy, mistake proofing develop their flavors without complicating the revenue they are.

Very often, mushrooms are added to a pot with many other ingredients as they cook they typically transpire instead of brown, which does not produce the sweetness inherent in all fungi.

Just do a lot of them and store cooked with the juice in an airtight container. Use as salad toppers or ingredients in a dish of pasta or rice. They can be added at any point in the cooking process and will be tasty and rich

Ingredients :!

  • 1 lb. fresh mushrooms (any type that are sliced ​​or whole. Remove the stems if they are difficult.)
  • 1 c. Oil
  • Salt and pepper (or your seasoning without preferred salt)


  • mix ingredients in a bowl and mix until well coated.
  • Place in single layer on a baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes until the mushrooms are shrinking and are golden brown.
  • Use immediately or cool and store in an airtight container. These will keep for about a week in the refrigerator.

What food are you curious about? We would like to hear from you! Please share your questions in the comments section below.

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Family Health

17:12 Add Comment
Family Health - nurse checks blood pressure

What is a biometric screening

Health and wellness men's health, women's health

biometric screenings provide vital health information to employers and insurance companies. Learn more about what you can expect in your selection.

Start HIV treatment immediately said major study, ending a long debate

15:09 Add Comment
Start HIV treatment immediately said major study, ending a long debate -

A study in 35 countries that involved 4685 people infected with HIV has ended early because the results showed that immediate treatment reduced the risk of disease and death in half. The data, released today on a conference held by the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), ending a divisive issue. The United States and many other countries recommend already treating people diagnosed with HIV infection, but the UK Guidelines and elsewhere are calling the start of treatment only after damage to the immune system occurs, in part because of concerns about the long-term toxicity of drugs.

As explained NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, the evidence suggests that early treatment of people benefited but no randomized controlled trial has ever proven to date. "These results clearly demonstrate that early antiretroviral treatment sooner rather than later is significant health benefits to the individual infected with HIV," said Fauci. "These results are certain to impact the medical treatment guidelines." He said the new results also validate the push to use treatment as prevention, other studies have shown that people with HIV on antiretroviral (ARV) are much less likely to transmit the virus to other.

strategic moment antiretroviral treatment (START) trial began in March 09 at the time, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended to start ARVs only after the CD4 count a person had dropped to 0 or less per microliter of blood. CD4 cells are white that HIV targets and destroys; normal numbers range from 0 to 10. START registered people infected with HIV who had more than 500 CD4 and has never taken ARVs. He told random half of the participants to begin treatment immediately, while the other half were offered after ARV CD4 counts fell to 350 or they developed an AIDS-defining illness. The trial evaluated the development of "events" include: AIDS, serious non-AIDS-related ailments, and death. START scheduled to end in December 2016.

A data safety and monitoring board that intermittently examined data beginning were blinded to the researchers reported study leaders this month, after an average of 3 years of observation, early treatment group had a 53% reduction in the risk of suffering an event. Specifically, 41 people who received early treatment had an event against 86 in the delayed treatment group. No proof surface of the increased toxicity of drugs in the early treatment group. All participants are now offered treatment, and the trial will continue to follow the participants until 2016 as originally planned to determine whether other surface differences due to the backlog. NIAID, the main sponsor of the study, only spent $ 154 million on the trial to date.

Michael Saag, director of the AIDS Research Center at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, START initially thought was a waste of money: He was already convinced by both the biology and less rigorously designed, smaller trials that treatment earlier made eminent sense. "I do not think the juice was worth the squeeze," he said. But his first reaction to this data? "Wow," Saag said. "I guess this is what they would find, but I do not really expected that we would see him earlier today. Perhaps this effect is even deeper than what I thought before the trial. and it makes me want to redouble my efforts to identify those who are infected and get them on therapy as quickly as possible. "

Saag, who sits on the wHO committee that issues international guidelines for the treatment of HIV, said the new data will likely influence the next review. "I do not see how WHO can ignore these data," he said, noting that some poorer countries may still have to give priority treatment to the sickest patients.

HIV treatment guidelines The UK, now updated, seems certain to change, too, said Ian Williams, an epidemiologist at University College London, who chaired the committee that drafted the previous version. "The START results are clearly very important and impressive," he said, "and I fully expect will result in a review and changes in the guidelines for 2015."

4 simple things you can do to the Earth Day

20:02 Add Comment
4 simple things you can do to the Earth Day -

4 simple things you can do to the Earth Day

Day Earth is celebrated worldwide every year on April 22. This is a day to show your support for the protection of the environment. It is our responsibility to keep safe and healthy environment for our family and friends.

According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, a healthy community is one that creates and improves both physical and social environments continuously help people to support each other in aspects of daily life and to develop their full potential.

make every effort to help the environment and work towards achieving positive goals and healthy changes in our community! You can start by making healthy environmental changes from right at your own home!

  • Be creative and think of ways to find new uses for this piece of cardboard. You can always find new uses for common household items.

Instead of getting plastic bags at the grocery store, keep reusable bags near your door or in your car nearby.

Did you know

  • The typical office worker can recycle enough paper every week to fill a paper grocery bag
  • The how we produce, consume and have our products and our food accounts for 42% of emissions of greenhouse uS

Americans throw away 25 million Styrofoam annually which can take up to 500 years to decompose.

what can you do?

  1. buying fruits and vegetables seasonally and locally. Buy local products minimizes miles from farm to table and therefore reduces pollution. You can also join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture); This type of membership is very supportive of how local farmers and to gain exposure to other foods and cooking methods. You can find a CSA or farmers market near you by visiting www.localharvest.org.
  2. Wash your clothes in cold water. About 0% of the energy used by a washing machine is spent heating the water to the load.
  3. Learn how to compost. garden waste and food waste accounts for 20% to 30% of waste. You can turn your organic waste into useful mulch for your garden.
  4. Bring your backpack, reusable bag, mug travel, or tumbler. Plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose, and a significant amount eventually suffocate ocean life. Some retailers will give you a discount on your latte or tea to use a reusable mug.

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Resolutions of 10 Heart Healthy New Year

16:11 Add Comment
Resolutions of 10 Heart Healthy New Year -

The New Year is a perfect time to reflect on the past 12 months and decide which habits you want to take with you in the new year, and that you want to leave behind. Many people decide to join a gym and work after January 1. Why not focus this healthy energy on your most important muscle - your heart

Tips to stay focused on heart health

Here are some tips to help you stay focused on your resolution goals for the overall and heart health:

  • Create realistic goals: When you try to make lifestyle changes healthier, pace yourself; set goals that you know you can keep
  • Keep it simple :. If you're not used to running for an hour each day, start with 15-minute intervals and gradually work up to full time. It is important to consult your doctor before starting an exercise program
  • Maintain perspective :. Change a life habit is not always easy. These take time and sometimes we slip, but try to maintain perspective and get back on track.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States for men and women. According to the American Heart Association, as many as 150,000 cases per year, a fatal heart attack is the first and only system of coronary artery disease. The good news is that it is preventable. Once you identify your risk, you can manage it.

ways to reduce the risk of heart disease

heart specialists have identified the essential means to reduce the risk of heart disease. These are to reduce the factors that lead to clogged arteries, which can restrict or cut off blood flow to the heart. Here's how:

  • If you smoke, quit: Smoking causes the accumulation of fat in arteries
  • Lowering blood pressure high blood pressure makes the heart pump harder and can cause artery walls to bulge or burst
  • Lowering your cholesterol: .. high cholesterol results in 'plaque buildup in arteries
  • Getting treatment for diabetes :. diabetes causes inflammation of blood vessels and results in more cholesterol plaque formation
  • Reduce your waistline: Abdominal obesity increases the cholesterol, . the plate, and inflammation of the arteries
  • Reduce Stress :. Stress may raise cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Eat healthy: high-fat diets increase cholesterol. Eat low fat foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins
  • Exercise :. 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week burns fat and lowers cholesterol [
  • Drinking alcohol in moderation: People whose lifestyles include 12 ounce beer, a glass of four ounces of wine or liquor ounce up to three times per week were shown to have a reduced risk of heart disease. The upper consumption to that which increases the risk of heart disease
  • Get a cardiac screening :. Cardiac screening includes checking risk assessment, blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol, blood glucose, and other indicators of heart disease.

If you are at risk, or think you might be at risk for any of these factors, or to learn more about how to reduce your risk of heart disease, consult your doctor primary care or visit UPMC.com/CheckYourHeart for a heart screening in your community.

Swimming Safety First

19:01 Add Comment
Swimming Safety First -

Swimming Safety First

It is at this time of the year - open neighborhood pools and millions flock to the beach . In addition to sunscreen, it is important to bring your "Safety First" mentality when children are near water.

Children need to learn to swim, and you can help prevent drowning by teaching your children basic safety rules and swimming skills

The National Safety Council recommends you teach your children swimming four key rules: ..

  1. always swim with a buddy
  2. not dive into unknown bodies of water. Jump feet first.
  3. Do not push or jump on others while in the water.
  4. Be prepared for an emergency. Ask children about getting help from an adult or call 911.

Careful adult should always be present when children are swimming.

In addition, do not let your child use the inflatable swimming aids (such as "water wings") without constant supervision. They can deflate, or a child can slip out of them. Children can also forget that they do not wear their swimming aids and jumping into a swimming pool on impulse.

As a parent, learn to swim if you do not know how and to learn swimming and survival rescue techniques. When visiting public or private pools, it is also important to be familiar with the pool safety rules.

Learn more about drowning prevention in our health library.

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Heart-Healthy Recipe: Nachos

15:09 Add Comment
Heart-Healthy Recipe: Nachos - sweet potato

Cravings are inevitable, but what you do to meet is entirely up to you. The next time you get a hankering for nachos, try to make a little home with sweet potatoes instead! You'll have fun doing them and feel satisfied eating. Looking for a meal instead? Just crown your nachos with chicken (perhaps even the remains of Hawaiian Chicken Skewers you did the day before) or pork when you add cheese. This healthy spin on a favorite food is perfect at all times -. Big Game snacking to enjoy a summer side dish of

Sweet Potato Nachos


  • 3 medium sweet potatoes (about 2 pounds ), makes about 6 cups towers
  • 1 c. olive oil
  • 1 c. chili powder
  • 1 c. garlic powder
  • 1-1 / 2 c. paprika
  • 1/3 cup low-fat shredded Cheddar
  • 1/3 cup black beans (optional)
  • 1/3 cup chopped tomatoes (1 plum tomato ) OR
  • 1/3 cup without added salt, canned, diced tomatoes, drained and rinsed
  • 1/3 cup chopped avocado


  1. Preheat oven to 425 ° F. Cover the baking pans with foil and coat with nonstick cooking.
  2. Peel and cut sweet potatoes thinly (about quarter inch round). In a bowl, mix the rounds with olive oil, chili powder, garlic powder and paprika. Spread evenly over the prepared pan (may need two pans). Bake for 10 minutes and use a spatula to flip the towers of sweet potato. Bake for 5-10 minutes or until crisp.
  3. Remove pan from oven and sprinkle the cheese over beans and sweet potatoes. Return to oven until cheese is melted, about 2 minutes. Sprinkle tomato and avocado. Serve

Nutrition Facts

Serves 6.

Per serving: Calories 209, Total Fat 5.5g, Sat. 1.7g fat, 34g carbs, 7g sugar, Fiber 6g, Cholesterol 5mg, Protein 6g, 194 mg sodium.

Recipe Copyright © 2014 American Heart Association. This recipe is brought to you by a simple kitchen with the American Heart Association Heart Program ®.

The test cancer

13:07 Add Comment
The test cancer -

you are currently viewing the summary.

See the full text


in the fall of 2013, the emails arrived in scientists from dozens of inboxes informing that their work had been selected for a project review to reproduce 50 high-impact papers cancer biology. The project Reproducibility: cancer biology, an open ambitious scientific effort to check whether the key results in the best journals can be replicated by independent laboratories, has raised concerns in the community. Almost all scientists targeted by the project who spoke with Science agrees that cancer biology studies, as in many other areas, too often turn be irreproducible. But few feel comfortable with this particular effort, which plans to announce its conclusions in the coming months. The leaders of the project say it will ultimately benefit the field by measuring the magnitude of the problem of reproducibility in cancer biology.

Ask the dietitian: Sleep and Nutrition

18:00 Add Comment
Ask the dietitian: Sleep and Nutrition -

Ask the dietitian: Sleep and Nutrition

Masha Fox Rabinovich

Masha Rabinovich Fox

sleep is often underestimated in today's society and is an essential component of nutrition. What many do not realize is that sleep deprivation can impose serious side effects on the nutritional status of a

Q :. How sleep affects nutrition

[1945009?] A: De Masha Fox-Rabinovich , MA, RD, LDN, CDE, outpatient dietitian at Washington Adventist Hospital, and Shayna Frost, Sodexo dietetic intern:

Several studies have shown that reduced sleep, both quantity and quality, negatively affects the endocrine system and digestive systems of the body. A great side effect associated with insufficient sleep is the contribution of suboptimal food choices. Studies have shown that people who meet the necessary recommendations for sleep often choose healthier foods than those who survive on less than 7 hours of sleep each night. In fact, sleep deprivation is associated with impaired signaling and the regulation of satiety hormone, which can lead to increased appetite, use glucose and increased cravings for sweet foods and containing caffeine, such as starches, desserts and soft drinks. These lifestyles often lead to unwanted weight gain and increased risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

In addition, other studies have shown that sleep-deprived people tend to have a more sedentary behavior, decreased resting metabolic rate, and a decrease in overall energy expenditure, which can lead to an increased retention of the fat. In fact, many studies have identified an interesting relationship between increased sleep deprivation and decreased fat loss in people currently on weight loss diets. Therefore, in addition to selecting nutritious foods and achieve daily exercise, get enough sleep each night plays a bigger role than you can imagine in terms of weight maintenance, weight loss, management disease and overall optimal health.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the recommended hours of sleep each night is 10 to 11 hours for children, 8.5-9.25 hours for adolescents, and 7-9 hours for adults. Due to the increased prevalence of sleep disorders, daily stress and voluntary sleep restriction, the amount of quality sleep that Americans currently receive in decline. In fact, only about 66% of adults and 15% of children in the United States reach these recommendations.

Tips to achieve adequate sleep

  • have a set bedtime

o Although this may seem childish, have a designated bedtime each night allows our body to regulate its natural circadian rhythm to ensure sufficient amount of quality sleep throughout the night.

  • Create an optimal sleep environment

o melatonin, a natural hormone that regulates the body's circadian rhythm, is secreted at night to promote drowsiness. This hormone is activated by dark places. On the other hand, in a bright environment, such as in the morning, the secretions of hormones are suppressed to promote wakefulness. Therefore, keeping the room dark and turn off all lights can help one fall asleep easier at night.

  • Be comfortable

o Make sure your bed, pillows and blankets are comfortable, the temperature is cold enough, and it is a quiet environment. These atmospheric conditions greatly affect its ability to fall and stay asleep all night.

  • Turn off all equipment before bedtime

o Brightness and noises come from TVs, computers, tablets and cell phones can be distracting and prevent the mind to relax and prepare for sleep.

  • not to eat or drink before bed

o The energy of food and drinks containing caffeine can prevent falling asleep the evening. To avoid this, stop eating or drinking 2-3 hours before planning to sleep each night.

  • Avoid naps

o Although it seems intuitive-cons, long naps during the day can effectively prevent the body from being able to naturally fall asleep at night. rapid 20 minute naps are good every now and then throughout the day but most sleep should be achieved overnight to establish a routine.

  • Maintain daily exercise

o research has shown that moderate and vigorous levels of exercise throughout the day can help the body to naturally fall asleep at night. Even small changes like taking the stairs at work or take a walk on a lunch break are beneficial.

  • Avoid over-sleep

o studies have shown that adults who sleep more than nine hours per night are also at risk for various cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, too. Therefore, it is ideal for staying in the recommended hours of sleep ranges established by the National Sleep Foundation to optimize overall health.

If you think you or a loved one may have a sleep disorder, please talk with your doctor about a sleep test. If you need help finding a doctor, please call 1-800-642-0101 or visit AdventistHealthCare.com/doctors.

Sleep Disorders Center at Washington Adventist and Shady Grove Adventist hospitals offer two of the most comprehensive and advanced programs for sleep medicine in the area of ​​Washington, DC. For more information, visit WashingtonAdventistHospital.com/Sleep or ShadyGroveAdventistHospital.com/Sleep.


  1. National Sleep Foundation. How much sleep do we really need. Internet: http // www.sleepfoundation.org / article / how-sleep-work / how-many-sleeping-do-we-really-need (accessed April 2, 2014)
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