Guinea Worm Banished From India

22:17 Add Comment
Guinea Worm Banished From India -

Goodbye to all that Guinea worm -. emerging here of a human foot -. was swept out of Asia

India finally conquered Guinea worm, making it the second disease after smallpox to be completely eradicated in the country. The disease, which mainly affects the rural poor, is now limited to only 12 African countries, according to an announcement last month by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Guinea worm, transmitted by contaminated drinking water, is known to researchers as the giant roundworm parasite Dracunculus medinensis , a spaghetti-thin wriggler that can reach up to one meter long. The worm breeds in the water where the eggs are taken and fed by Cyclops , an aquatic insect.


Fifty years, 25 million Indians have suffered from Guinea worm disease, a painful incurable condition can cause debilitating infections. But a worm eradication campaign reduced the number of cases to 40,000 by early 1980. And Subhash Salunke, a communicable disease WHO consultant based in New Delhi, said that "hopefully in 4-5 coming years, "the world will be free Guinea worm by 2010.

Sleep Hygiene

16:11 Add Comment
Sleep Hygiene -

sleep hygiene

Have you ever find it hard to stay awake and alert during your morning commute or be tempted to take a quick nap under your desk after lunch? Sometimes, trying to find the balance between your work life, social life and personal life seems almost impossible, and many of us find ourselves desire to fair value of this night of good sleep.

Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing, as well as eating a healthy diet and daily exercise. Most adults should aim to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night to receive his benefits, such as cell repair and maintenance, better concentration and higher energy levels. Without adequate rest periods for physical and mental repair, you may not be able to function at your peak. In addition, lack of sleep has been associated with an increased risk of a number of diseases and chronic illnesses, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression.

If you experience difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, frequent snoring experience a pause in breathing, or gasping during sleep, consult your doctor. Identify and treat the cause of sleep disorders can help you get in the way of a good night's sleep.

Did you know?

  • Melatonin, a hormone natural sleep can be found naturally in a variety of foods, such as tomatoes, grape skins, cherries and nuts.
  • The optimum time it takes to fall asleep is between 10 and 15 minutes, nothing less can be a sign of sleep deprivation.
  • a new baby typically results in 400-750 hours of losing sleep for parents in the first year.
  • 17 hours of hibernation led to a decrease in performance equal to a level of 0.05% BAC.

Tips to lead a healthier sleep

  • Exercise can promote good sleep. fluctuations in body temperature due to exercise can hire a restful night's sleep. Try a relaxation exercise such as yoga before bed.
  • Associate your bed with sleep. Avoid activities such as reading, watching TV, or going on the computer while lying in bed
  • Avoid stress or stimulating activities before bed. work, talk about emotional problems and other stressful activities can cause your body to release a stress hormone called cortisol, which is linked to alertness.
  • Avoid heavy meals before bedtime Although indulge in a big meal may make you drowsy. your body is awake all night trying to digest the food, which in turn disrupts your sleep.

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Bloated vs. Fat: Which am I

12:19 Add Comment
Bloated vs. Fat: Which am I -

It is normal to feel bloated from time to time - especially after a big meal ?. It can cause your stomach feel bloated and your pants feel tight, which can easily be confused with belly fat. But, bloating and belly fat are not the same thing and both must be treated differently.

What bloating?

stomach bloating occurs when your stomach becomes enlarged with liquid or gas. Bloating is temporary and is often caused by the foods you eat. Some foods may be more difficult for your stomach to digest, keeping you full longer.

How the difference between belly fat and bloated

An easy way to tell the difference between bloating and belly fat is noted belly fat does not cause your stomach to develop wildly throughout a day; Bloating made. Another way to distinguish between bloating and belly fat is that you can physically enter the belly fat with your hand, you can not with bloat.

The causes of stomach bloat

The foods that might cause this are beans, dairy products, and even some fruits and vegetables, such as:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • chou
  • Plums
  • Onions

overeating or eating too fast can also be triggers.

Bloating can also be a sign of addition, conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lactose intolerance or even allergic to the underlying wheat. Stomach Bloating can also be the result of consuming too much salt on a daily basis, which causes your stomach to keep excess water.

Remedies for stomach bloat

Sometimes a simple change in diet may be all you need. Stick to foods that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates can help. Drink lots of water and stay away from carbonated drinks. Make your meals last longer can help you keep overeating so make sure you try to eat slowly and chew your food more.

Another remedy is to try, instead of three meals a day, eating more frequent, smaller meals. This prevents bloating that usually follows large meals.

When talking to your doctor about bloat

Sometimes bloating can be more than just a full stomach. If you experience a lot of pain, bloating or does not go away quickly, you can take a look closer to your symptoms. You should talk to your doctor if you have the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • painful and frequent heartburn
  • Vomiting
  • weight loss
  • abdominal pain Strong

a visit to your doctor is recommended if you have not encountered serious bloating in the past or bloating the unwelcome evil affects your daily activities.

What is belly fat?

The main difference between bloating and fat is the difference bloating, belly fat develops over time and is more difficult to remove. Belly fat happens when you consume more calories than you burn off and can be very unhealthy. Belly fat can increase your risk for:

  • heart disease The
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • gallbladder problems

While a change simple scheme to get rid of bloating, belly fat takes a little more work. Try for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Following a healthy diet full of lean meats, fruits, vegetables and plenty of water can also help to shed those pounds. It is important to remember that everyone wins and loses weight differently, so be sure to talk to your doctor about what is best for you.

Remedies for belly fat

While a change simple scheme to get rid of bloating, belly fat takes a bit more work. Try for at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Following a healthy diet full of lean meats, fruits, vegetables and plenty of water can also help to shed those pounds. It is important to remember that everyone wins and loses weight differently, so be sure to talk to your doctor about what is best for you.

CDC Prepares to Battle West Nile Resurgence

21:16 Add Comment
CDC Prepares to Battle West Nile Resurgence -

the West Nile virus.

B ETHESDA , M ARYLAND - With summer in a few months, some medical entomologists fear that national and local health services can fail to counter a possible resurgence of West Nile virus by mosquitoes, which caused severe inflammation of the brain in 63 people in New York and neighboring counties last year, killing seven ( science NOW, March 13). But at a press conference today, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials assured reporters that a "sound public health control plan is in place" to contain the virus .

"last fall, many of our state and local partners were not prepared," said the CDC West Nile coordinator Stephen Ostroff. Now CDC spent $ 2.7 million to help 19 counties local health and on the East coast and the Gulf of Mexico - where migratory birds are most likely to spread the virus. - set up surveillance of the virus and malaria programs the agency also developed new laboratory tests, trained laboratory personnel from state and local health services, and set up a website to facilitate communication between health workers

After the outbreak of West Nile summer latest -. The first in the Western Hemisphere - some scientists had hoped that the virus disappears during the winter, when mosquito populations decline sharply. But those hopes were recently dashed when the virus was found in a red-tailed hawk died in Westchester County, in the northern suburbs of New York, and in Culex mosquitoes wintering at Fort Totten, a historic building in the New York borough of Queens.

Yet Ostroff stressed that the chances of contracting West Nile virus are very low. An unpublished study by the CDC and the New York Department of Health found that 2.5% of more than 0 residents of the "Hot Zone" - the area in Queens, where most cases have occurred - was infected last summer. But the vast majority of infected people suffered very mild symptoms or none at all. The elderly and patients whose immune systems are impaired at the highest risk of developing the disease.

Celery and tarragon Smoothie

15:09 Add Comment
Celery and tarragon Smoothie -

celery and tarragon Smoothie

Chef Randall

Chief Randall Smith, executive chef for Adventist HealthCare, is the author of "Farm fresh Flavors", a valuable guide to cooking with fresh, local ingredients. Learn more about or follow @cooklocalfood

This might not seem like your average smoothie, but it is a great way to hydrate and cool off on a hot day.

Serves: 2


  • 10 celery
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 Anaheim chili
  • 1/4 cup fresh tarragon leaves, tight
  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt


celery and green onions Cut into 2-inch pieces. Cut and discard the chili stem. Cut the pepper in half and remove seeds. Feeding celery, pepper, green onions and tarragon through your juicer until all the juice is extracted. Transfer juice in a mixer. Add yogurt and mix until smooth, about 30 seconds. Serve in 2 glasses.

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Heart Condition Symptoms: Now What

11:18 Add Comment
Heart Condition Symptoms: Now What -

If you think you may have a heart condition, your doctor will order a series of tests to find out what could be causing your symptoms to a? . plan for your treatment

The symptoms of cardiac disorders

related symptoms Coeur-may include:

  • chest pain
  • Breathlessness
  • palpitations, or fluttering in the chest or a feeling of skipped heartbeats
  • fatigue, or feeling very tired
  • dry cough
  • Anxiety
  • swelling in your feet or ankles
  • rapid weight gain

in some cases, symptoms may be mild and harmless; For example, you may feel palpitations if you are nervous or stressed. In other cases, symptoms can be severe and even life threatening. If you think you or someone you know has a condition life threatening, such as heart attack, aortic aneurysm or aortic dissection, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Even if your symptoms are mild, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. Before your visit, you'll want to write your symptoms and when they occur, and all over-the-counter and prescription medicines you take.

cardiac imaging and other heart tests

During your visit, your doctor will take your blood pressure, listen to your heart and lungs, and talk with you about your symptoms. After your check-up, your doctor may want to order blood tests and basic diagnostic tests to find out more, depending on your symptoms and medical history. These tests may include:

  • Blood tests
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • test Holter monitor
  • echocardiogram
  • Stress test

blood testing

blood tests can check the amount of different chemicals, enzymes and other substances in the blood from cholesterol and sugar to potassium and calcium. Having too little or too much of certain substances can cause or be a sign of health problems. Your doctor will tell you if you need quickly - or may not have something to eat or drink -. Before your blood testing

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

An electrocardiogram, or ECG, is a quick, painless test that measures the rhythm of your heart and can show if your heart rate is regular or irregular. ECG usually only takes a few minutes and can be done in your doctor's office. You do not have to do anything special to prepare for this test.

Holter monitor test

A Holter monitor test is a type of ECG, which measures the rhythm of your heart within 24 to 48 hours while you go about your daily routine. The test can pick up irregular rhythms that might not appear in a normal ECG. During the test, sticky patches called electrodes are put on your chest. To prepare, you should wear loose clothing to keep the electrodes come off.

echocardiogram (ECG)

An echocardiogram, also called an echo or ECG, is a test that uses sound waves to move photos from your heart to show if its walls, valves and the amount of blood pump it is normal. This test usually takes about 30-60 minutes and can be done in the office or in the hospital a doctor. You do not have to do anything special to prepare for this test.

Stress testing

A stress test shows your doctor how your heart works during the activity. During the test, you exercise or get medicine to work your heart stronger. Some stress tests can include pictures of your heart before and after the activity. There are different types of stress tests, so your doctor will tell you how to prepare for the kind you have.

Test Results

When the test results, your doctor will on them with you and explain what they mean. Most test results take about a week

If your test results are normal, your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes that can make your symptoms more manageable. For example, if you have palpitations when you feel stressed, your doctor may suggest healthy ways to help you cope.

If your results are not normal, your doctor will make a treatment plan based on your specific needs which may include lifestyle changes, medications or procedures.

If you have symptoms of a heart problem, visit the Heart Institute and UPMC vascular or contact us at 1-855-UPMC-HVI (876-2484).

What is minimally invasive (robotic) Cardiac Surgery?

22:17 Add Comment
What is minimally invasive (robotic) Cardiac Surgery? -

traditional open heart surgery is invasive (typically involving an incision of 6 to 8 inches through the sternum) and requires a long healing and recovery process. Minimally invasive heart surgery offers an alternative to certain types of open heart surgery, resulting in less pain and faster recovery for most people. Minimally invasive cardiac surgery can incorporate robotic technology to help surgeons during the procedure.

This is what you need to know.

The Heart of the Matter

In minimally invasive (robotic) cardiac surgery, your surgeon will make one or more small incisions between your ribs. Then, surgical instruments, with a photo-sensitive device is inserted through the incision. The surgical tools are connected to robotic arms that the surgeon controls with a computer device. This allows your surgeon to better handle the instruments and perform the procedure more precisely

This type of surgery can be used for several different cardiac procedures, including :.

  • CABG
  • valve surgery
  • Aneurysm Repair

What to Expect during the minimally invasive cardiac surgery

Because it involves a smaller incision, minimally invasive cardiac surgery can have a number of benefits for patients. These include:

  • Less pain
  • Less scarring
  • Shorter hospital stays after surgery
  • Reduction the risk of infection and bleeding
  • Reduced recovery time

people who undergo a minimally invasive cardiac surgery usually come home from two to five days after the procedure . Generally, it takes between one and four weeks to recover from this form of surgery. In comparison, open heart surgery has a typical recovery time which can be two times longer.

However, not everyone is eligible for minimally invasive and robotic surgery. Your surgeon will assess the risks and benefits of these techniques with the traditional open-heart surgery and to determine the best choice based on your age, medical history, type of heart problem you have, and other factors.

Want to learn more about minimally invasive cardiac surgery? Visit UPMC Web site heart Vascular Institute or contact us at 1-855-UPMC-HVI (876-2484).

EPA Reaffirms Dioxin's Danger

20:15 Add Comment
EPA Reaffirms Dioxin's Danger -

Dioxin is much worse for human health than previously thought, according to new, highly anticipated draft report of the Environmental Protection Agency of the United (EPA). The report suggests that many Americans may have enough dioxin in their body to trigger a series of effects, subtle developmental delays cancer. But, as with previous statements about the risks of dioxin, the judgment is controversial and can be appealed.

Dioxins are chlorinated chemicals mainly produced by incinerators and paper bleaching. They accumulate in the food chain, the liquidation of body fat when people eat animal products. In the 1980s, the EPA has concluded that there is no safe level of dioxin - even the lowest exposure was dangerous. Then new molecular studies have led experts to think EPA dioxin may have overestimated the risk, the agency set out to re-evaluate again in 1991.

But scientists from the agency returned to 1994 with a draft report which supported the earlier conclusion of the EPA that all dioxin levels is harmful. Scientific Advisory Board of the EPA then blasted parts of the revaluation and referred to the revision, the charge that scientists mixed agency science and policy. They also accused the scientists not to mention other assumptions and data that contradicted their conclusions.

parts As requested, the EPA has now rewritten the report. The agency has also incorporated "some new information," says William Farland, head of the risk assessment in EPA Office of Research and Development - for example, new studies of workers exposed three groups dioxin in the United States, Germany, and Holland. These studies lead to a risk of dioxin cancer is 30 times higher than the estimate of 1985. the factors the agency in the triple exposure drop dioxins since the mid-1980s, to conclude that the risk of cancer today is 10 times higher.

This conclusion shocked many outside researchers. many who spoke with Science NOW said the cancer effects workers studies are inconclusive. Even those who closely followed a new analysis of EPA, 10 times "is much more than anyone expected," said Dennis Paustenbach, an evaluation consultant risks with Exponent in Menlo Park, California. "It will require much discussion before there is wide acceptance."

Buy local Recipe: Mid Summer Melon Agua Fresca

14:08 Add Comment
Buy local Recipe: Mid Summer Melon Agua Fresca -

Buy local recipe: Mid Summer Watermelon Agua Fresca

Adventist HealthCare is proud to Buy 2014 Challenge local. The Challenge Buy Local was created by the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission and became a state program. The challenge encourages all Marylanders to eat at least a local production or product raised each day of the Buy Local Challenge Week, which is always the last full week of July.

Chief Randall Smith Adventist HealthCare won a place in the Buy Local Cookout of the year, organized by Governor Martin O'Malley, with her recipe for Mid Summer Melon Agua Fresca. This healthy and refreshing drink can be easily replicated at home

Mid Summer Watermelon Agua Fresca

(local ingredients: cantaloupe, basil)!


1 large cantaloupe (peeled and chopped)
1 1/2 cups of water
1 1/2 cups water
1 lime (juice)
1/4 cup chopped basil
2 tablespoons sugar
additional chopped basil to garnish


Place watermelon, lime juice, basil, sugar and water first listed in a blender. Blend until smooth and pour the pitcher of service. Add water second list and add more sugar to desired sweetness. Pour into glasses over ice and garnish with a little chopped basil

About the recipe

Chief. The Chief Randall Smith

Randall has over 20 years experience in the hotel, restaurant and catering. Its focus is on sustainability and responsible food choices. He worked closely with Central Rivers Farmshed, The Summit Wisconsin Local Food, Food Chesapeake Leadership Council and the Humane Society of the United States and was a tireless advocate for home cooking and cooking with farmers markets products, CSA and local sustainable farms. He is the author of "Farm Fresh Flavors", a valuable guide for cooking, seasonal fresh foods. A vegetarian practicing Randall recent efforts have been towards increasing the visibility of the variety and attractiveness of meatless options

Producer :. Michael Protas, One Acre Farm

Despite its name, One Acre Farm is nearly thirty acres of farmland in Boyds, Maryland in the greater metropolitan area DC - in your backyard ! Mike Farmer started a Acre Farm because he wanted to create a community where people can feel an association with farms, crops and vegetables they serve their families. Michael Protas was running An Acre Farm for the past five years.

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Far From the Madding Herd

19:14 Add Comment
Far From the Madding Herd -

Birmingham, United Kingdom - A provocative new theory about the origin of the "mad cow" and its counterpart human stirred debate at the annual International Congress of biochemistry and molecular biology yesterday. Stanley Prusiner of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), suggested that abnormal prion proteins thought to cause bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), as the disease is formally known, can coexist in sheep and prions involved in scrapie, a disease that does not appear to infect humans. If correct, this would mean that the proteins are still hiding sheep.

Since BSE erupted in cattle in the United Kingdom in the mid-1980s, scientists have wondered where the disease came. The studies on the origins of BSE - a fatal disease marked in the early stages of loss of balance - gained urgency with the emergence in 1996 to man the new disease variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease BSE-like (vCJD ). Linked to the consumption of beef contaminated with BSE, vCJD has so far killed several dozen people in the UK, France and Ireland. With the extent of the vCJD threat to public health still unclear, scientists have been busy studying the relationship between prion strains blamed for neurodegenerative diseases, including the alleged connection between BSE and scrapie .

Scientists generally assume that BSE arose in cattle whose diet was enriched with a high protein supplement: sheep parts, unfortunately infected with scrapie. While diseases have similar symptoms, BSE prions do not trigger scrapie and vice versa. The main theory is that a technique for rendering the heat mutton pieces which became mandatory in the 1970s somehow modified prions enough to allow them to jump the species barrier and cause BSE and scrapie . (The BSE prions and vCJD prions appear to be identical.)

Challenging this scenario UCSF neurologist Michael Scott and Prusiner, who won a Nobel Prize for the theory that prions cause disease. They think that sheep can be infected by both BSE and scrapie prions, but only because the latter disease in sheep. The rendering process heat, they suggest, may actually destroy or inactivate scrapie prions, opening the way for BSE prions scarcer but more robust to infect cattle. The idea is that scrapie prion could somehow interfere with the infectivity of BSE prions. "It is a kind of selection mechanism. You wipe the scrapie prion labile "by rendering the heat, says Prusiner." Scrapie Prion can even protect human [from BSE]. "

The duo admits they have little evidence to support their proposal but they point to studies in their laboratory mice, which have been modified to be sensitive to both the prion infection of BSE and scrapie. the different strains infected by different brain areas. in . Furthermore, mice infected with scrapie have grown faster disease extrapolating from these results, says Prusiner, "there seems to be a different tank [prion] strains in sheep ': a single action fast that causes scrapie and another slower that causes BSE / vCJD. Because the strain of scrapie spreads faster, Prusiner said, it would greatly outnumber BSE / vCJD strain in infected sheep .

experts contacted by Science NOW are skeptical. Prion expert Moira Bruce of the Institute for Neuropathogenesis unit in Edinburgh for Animal Health said that sheep experimentally infected with BSE become ill almost as soon as the sheep naturally infected with scrapie. "There is no direct evidence that BSE in sheep was" the beginning of the BSE epidemic, she said, even if such a scenario "can not be excluded." And even if 'prion BSE is present in sheep, Prusiner said that there is no reason to avoid eating lamb chops. "in some 25 years of intense study, no one has found signs of transmission [from sheep to humans], "he said.

with reporting by Michael Balter.

Back to Basics

13:07 Add Comment
Back to Basics - School

Back to School Basics

The last month of summer is upon us and the new school year is just around the corner ! No matter how fun their summer days were, children often experience the excitement during the transition back to school. They may feel nervous about new teachers or friends. Parents may also be worried about the first day of school, especially if they see their little off for the first time or if their child will attend a new school.

To avoid absences from school and disrupting the first days of the child, make sure vaccinations are up to date; schedule appointments for medical examinations, vision and dental exams before school starts.

Although it is normal to be anxious in any new situation, some children develop physical symptoms such as headaches or stomach associated with the start of school. If you fear that your child's concerns go beyond the normal jitters back-to-school, talk with a doctor, a teacher or school counselor for your child.

Did you know?

  • The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends that young people aged 6-17 years are involved in at least 60 minutes of daily physical activity.
  • Recent studies show that children who exercise regularly have improved brain function, with a better understanding of the context and grammar during playback.

Start Prepping Now

  • Establish a regular sleep schedule. adequate sleep reduces crankiness in the morning. Practice getting up early one week before the start of school.
  • Review drop-off and pick-up procedures with your child. Make sure your child knows that he or she has to go and what to do after school. If possible, do a "practice run 'before the first day of school.
  • Practice and note the information necessary to know and put it with the personal effects of your child. This should include your child's address and phone number, emergency contact information, and can also include names of teachers and bus drivers and locker combinations.
  • Take a tour of the school. Know where to go on the first day can help relieve stress, especially if your child is new to school. Ask if a school card is available or if your child can be paired with another student, or "friend" to help adapt to new people and surroundings.

Sources: American Academy of Pediatrics, Kids Health, National Association for the Education of Young Children, National Association Head Start, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Can you lower cholesterol without medication?

21:16 Add Comment
Can you lower cholesterol without medication? -

If you, Aore having a cholesterol test soon, you may wonder what to expect when you get your results. They If, Aore high, it will mean a lifetime of medicine? Are there other types of treatment?

You might be surprised to learn that some people can lower cholesterol without drugs. It depends on your risk factors for heart disease, and what your doctor thinks is best for you.

Learn more about what your numbers mean and what options you may have to keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy range.

What is the average cholesterol

your total cholesterol level shows how much cholesterol you have in your blood, and your test results will fall into a these ranges :?

  • 0 mg / dL or less = normal
  • 0, aÌ 239 mg / dL = High Limit
  • 240 mg / dL or more high

your total comprises:

  • HDL, or Äúgood, cholesterol HDL helps remove LDL, or Aubad, cholesterol, your blood , thus a higher number is. better.
  • LDL, or Aubad, cholesterol. LDL is associated with the buildup of plaque in blood vessels, so a lower number is better.
  • triglycerides, a type of fat. triglycerides are also linked to the buildup of plaque in blood vessels, so a lower number is better.

Am I at risk for heart disease?

If your cholesterol levels are in the normal range, you should keep a healthy diet, regular exercise, and practice other healthy habits to make sure your numbers are low. Keeping your cholesterol levels in a healthy range is one of the many things you can do to keep your risk of heart disease low.

If your numbers are high or high limit, your risk of heart disease increases. When you have too much cholesterol in the blood, it can build up in the † plate of your blood vessels. Over time, plaque can make your blood vessels hard, narrow or become completely blocked, which can lead to heart attack or stroke.

What are my high cholesterol Treatment Options?

The good news is that high cholesterol can be treated. In order to create the best treatment plan for you, your doctor will consider your general health, habits, risk factors, and family history. Many people can reduce their numbers by lifestyle changes, including:

  • Eating healthy food for the heart that are low in fat, cholesterol and sodium and high in fiber, such as fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Get regular exercise, that can help control weight, increase LDL and lower HDL and triglycerides.

If these changes Aren, AOT enough to get your numbers in a healthy range, your doctor may prescribe medication. It, AOS very important to stay on your treatment plan, and practice healthy habits, if your doctor prescribes medication or not.

For more information on cholesterol, heart disease, and how to keep your low-risk heart Vascular Institute and UPMC visit or call 1-855-UPMC-HVI.

How a Cancer Fighter Works

18:13 Add Comment
How a Cancer Fighter Works -

Locked up tight. STI-571 drug (yellow) binds the inactive form of the Abl protein, shown at left. But as shown at right, the drug does not match the active form of Src, another oncogenic kinase.

The researchers discovered how a promising drug acts on cancer as a smart bomb, homing in a very narrow range of potential targets in the cell. The compound, known as STI-571 has shown remarkable success in early clinical trials in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). To know more details on the mode of action could contribute to the design of similar weapons against cancer. "It is a very neat story," says cell biologist Tony Hunter of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California.

STI-571 was identified in the early 190s by scientists Novartis pharmaceutical company, and then shown to block the enzyme produced by abl a so-called oncogene whose overactivity is thought to cause the massive proliferation of leukemia cells in patients with CML. in line with this clinical trials conducted to date have shown that STI-571, in sufficient doses, can cause the apparent disappearance of leukemic cells from the patient's blood and treatment side effects are relatively mild. But there was a break -tête. Abl protein kinases belong to a large family of enzymes that transfer a phosphate group from ATP to the protein. What was unknown is why STI-571 has such a limited range of action. In addition to Abl, it only blocks two other kinases of the 50 or so proteins tested -. Which may be why it has so few side effects

To explore the basis of the specificity of STI-571, John Kuriyan and Thomas Schindler of Rockefeller University in New York and colleagues crystallized the catalytic region of human Abl protein with a version of STI-571. They then used X-ray crystallography to determine the three dimensional structure of the complex drug-protein. Abl kinases like many others, does not begin in action until a phosphate is added to the "activation loop." This step changes the shape or conformation of the enzyme, the opening of so that the kinase can bind to ATP and its target proteins. what reveals the crystal structure, the team reports in the September 15 issue of Science is as STI-571 binds to the inactive conformation of Abl, effectively locking the activation phosphate.

the discovery also explains why so few other kinases are inhibited by the drug. "When kinases are assets, they are very similar, "said Kuriyan." But when they are off, they can be very different from each other. " He noted that drug developers usually try to inhibit active enzymes. But kinases, inactive forms can make better targets, said Kuriyan. Meanwhile, clinical trials are ongoing to see if the early promise of CML supports.

Related Sites
The Kuriyan laboratory at Rockefeller
Information on Leukemia National Cancer Institute

Build strong families

12:06 Add Comment
Build strong families

- build strong families

health, strong families give their members the support they need to get through the difficulties of life. There are many ways to define a family, but they all have one common idea: take care. It's the little things you do on a regular basis that matter most deal with stress and conflict.

Children may create the appearance of a family. Build an environment where children are free to discuss any concerns should begin when the child is very young. Allow the children to talk about what they like to do and feelings. This will help to build trust and acceptance and form a cohesive family unit.

Being a family is fun! There are many everyday events that can help create an atmosphere of loving family. family meal can be a time for communication between members, and game night, even if only once a week can be beneficial to the family dynamic. The holidays are also a wonderful time to bond with the family. Use this time to include all family members. Being involved in activities such as these while also setting limits creates, but family friendly controlled environment

Did you know

  • Build better relationships involves all generations -.? Grandparents, parents, and children.
  • family routines and rituals are powerful organizers of family life that add stability during times of stress and transition
  • research shows that regular religious practice is a predictor family stability

the importance of lunch!

  • 74 percent of teens said they like to eat meals with their families
  • Teens who have more family meals tend to eat more fruits, vegetables , grains, protein and calcium rich foods
  • research shows that more frequent family meals also protect against tobacco, alcohol, low average grade points, depression and suicide especially among adolescents

Remember the five 's'' s family

  1. Learn
  2. Loyalty
  3. Love
  4. laugh
  5. leadership

Sources: Harvard University, US Department of Health & Human services, National Institutes of Health, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Heart-healthy recipes: Tuna Niçoise lettuce Cups

20:15 Add Comment
Heart-healthy recipes: Tuna Niçoise lettuce Cups -

This summer dish offers a fresh look at ordinary garden salad. We like this version of health heart, courtesy of the American Heart Association.

How tuna Niçoise lettuce Cups

Prep in a small bowl. Combine onion, vinegar, mustard, oil, dill, sugar and pepper.

Stir in tuna. Pour 1 tablespoon spread on each lettuce leaf. Above, in order, with olives, egg whites, and cherry tomatoes.

To eat like an envelope, fold the left and right sides of the lettuce to the center. From the unfolded side closest to you, roll the film to the remaining unfolded side to enclose filling

Tip Cook :. To hard boil eggs, place them in a small saucepan. Cover with cold water by 1 to 2 inches. Bring to a full boil. Remove from fire. Let the pot stand, covered, for 15 minutes. Press the egg and / or roll on a flat surface to break the shell. Peel the eggs under cool water running to easily release the white shell.

Ingredients for the tuna Niçoise lettuce Cups

  • 2 tablespoons chopped red onion
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard Dijon (lowest sodium available)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (preferably extra virgin)
  • 1/4 teaspoon 'dried dill, crumbled 1/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 5-ounce can low sodium tuna chunk light packed in the water, drained and flaked
  • 16 large lettuce leaves Bibb (about 2 heads)
  • 2 tablespoons chopped black olives, drained
  • 2 large eggs, hard , throws chopped yellow and white
  • 4 cherry tomatoes, slices

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories 40
  • Fat 1.5 grams
  • saturated fat 0 g
  • 0 grams polyunsaturated
  • monounsaturated 0.5 grams
  • 8 milligrams cholesterol
  • 68 mg of sodium
  • Carbohydrate 2 grams
  • fiber 1 gram
  • sugars 1 gram
  • Protein 6 gram

more on healthy eating and taking care of your heart. Visit the website of the Heart Institute and UPMC vascular.

Plants Eavesdrop on Their Neighbors

17:11 Add Comment
Plants Eavesdrop on Their Neighbors -

For your own good >. A gene-based vaccine protect rainbow trout fish against a virus.

A new type of vaccine provides a plan to build antibodies, bypassing some of the steps require traditional vaccines. So far, the technique has been applied to the protection of fish, but it might one day be adapted for human gene based vaccines.

Traditional vaccines are made from inactivated pathogen. Although they are harmless, the body reacts by developing antibodies that protect then against a true infection. But these vaccines have a low risk of an adverse reaction. The new DNA vaccines provide genes which encode normally found on an infectious agent proteins. The body accumulates antibodies to these proteins, antibodies that defend against later attack by the pathogen carrying proteins. DNA vaccines, however, often do not stimulate the production of more antibodies than conventional vaccines.

Looking for a better way to repel the invaders, Niels Lorenzen the Danish Veterinary Laboratory in Århus, Denmark, speculated that the genes for the antibodies themselves could be delivered directly. His team tested this idea by isolating a gene for an antibody that protects rainbow trout against a virus called VHS. They injected the gene into the muscle of young trout that has never been exposed to VHS.

After 12 days, the researchers found the antibodies circulating in the blood of fish. After 6 more days, they exposed the fish to the virus. Over 0% of treated fish fought the infection. untreated trout, 80% died, the researchers report in the November issue of Nature Biotechnology . The gene vaccine did not protect the fish indefinitely, however; 39 days after injection, the fish showed signs of inflammation at the injection site, and muscle cells that had produced the antibody began dying.

The study is a "significant step" towards the use of antibody genes to create temporary immunity against pathogens, said Scott LaPartra of Clear Springs Trout Company in Idaho. Fish farms are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases, because the fish are in such close quarters. An antibody gene vaccine could provide a rapid immunity once an outbreak starts. Lorenzen and hope that research on the protection of fish will be useful for human applications, particularly in people with deficient immune system does not respond strongly to standard vaccines.

Related Sites

The Danish Veterinary Laboratory

For more information on DNA vaccines

Fall Into Fitness

11:05 Add Comment
Fall Into Fitness -

Fall Into Fitness

With the hot, humid days behind us and the nice crisp fall weather upon us, it's time to to move again! The movement is not only beneficial for your muscles but for your mind. Fall is a great time to enjoy exercise to relieve stress and increase your resilience. Taking a walk with your spouse, colleague or friend is also a great way to connect during this busy season.

In addition, daily exercise with a healthy diet boosts your immune system to help attack foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. Research has shown several positive changes occur in the immune system during moderate exercise. Although the immune system returns to pre exercise levels very quickly after the exercise session is over, each session represents a boost that appears to reduce the risk of infection over the long term.

When exercising outside in colder temperatures, dress in layers. Before your body warms up, you can feel fresh, but once the blood is pumping, you can peel away the layers as needed. Before starting an exercise routine, consult your doctor.

Did you know?

  • Hiking burns mega calories as you increase your elevation and really work those legs.
  • Tai Chi is a great activity to do on a cold autumn night to help you stay active
  • Yoga is another type of moving meditation that promotes balance, flexibility and mind / soothing body connections

Fall Ideas Fitness

  1. Raking leaves a head Raking leaves for 30 minutes can burn 150 calories -. it could actually take more than half an hour to get the work done! Squat correctly you pick the leaves to avoid back injuries.
  2. Sign up for a fall fun run or walk. Many communities sponsor walks and trails, some just called "Turkey Trots." Ask a colleague or friend and train for lunch.
  3. Discover your parks region. Take a hike in the woods or biking on a new path. If you are near a lake, try kayaking or canoeing for an excellent whole body workout and a great change of pace. Make you wear clothing and appropriate equipment.
  4. Select your own product. Find a local orchard and take your apple family or pumpkin picking. apples and pumpkins are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and fiber all help to strengthen your immune system. Walking through the orchard is also a great way to squeeze in a little extra exercise

Sources :. President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports LifeWork strategies, and Adventist HealthCare. Council health of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

Related Posts

Healthy Alternatives Turkey Day

22:04 Add Comment
Healthy Alternatives Turkey Day -

Turkey Day Healthy Alternatives

Are not we all looking forward to Thanksgiving Day? Turkey, cranberry sauce, gravy, green beans, and who does not like the joke? These traditional Thanksgiving meals are delicious and satisfying, but how much stuffing is too much?

During a Thanksgiving meal, a person consumes about 3000 calories ... In a single meal! Throughout Thanksgiving, that number jumps to about 4,500 calories. To burn those calories, a person would have to run for four hours or walk 30 miles to burn his Thanksgiving meal. So how can we control the amount of calories consumed on this day of grace?

We can start by eating in moderation! Instead of eating all day, which can add up to a considerable amount of calories and unwanted fat, save your desires for dinner with the family. You can also change some (not all) Thanksgiving recipes include ingredients with less fat. For example, use low fat milk in mashed potatoes and avoid eating the turkey skin.

Did you know?

  • Thanksgiving was originally supposed to be a day of fasting and through
  • in 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried to make Thanksgiving one week earlier in the hope that it would stimulate retail sales during the Great depression
  • A Thanksgiving leftover surplus in 1953 created the first TV dinner

delicious Thanksgiving Substitutes

Lighten the load with these delicious Thanksgiving options

  1. instead of candied yams, try the frozen sweet potatoes and reduce the sugar in your meal
  2. Mash choice sympathetic heart, like butternut squash, which has a sufficient dose of dietary fiber
  3. Stuff your turkey with meat stuffing least
  4. CHOOSE entire rolls for dinner grain reduce your risk stroke, diabetes and heart disease
  5. Make your own cranberry sauce instead of buying a box, which can hold up to 105 grams of sugar
  6. Try base sauce vegetables
  7. Enjoy a pumpkin "cheese" vegan cake for dessert

Visit for healthier recipes

Sources : US Department of Health & Human services,, TIME, National Institutes of Health, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare. The HealthTip of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Health Heart and risk of stroke: What is the link

19:14 Add Comment
Health Heart and risk of stroke: What is the link -

Diseases of the heart and stroke can sometimes go hand in hand. Both are the main causes of death in the United States but in many cases, both conditions are preventable.

Many of the same healthy habits that reduce the risk of heart problems may also reduce your risk of stroke. Learn more about the link between heart health and brain health, your risk factors, and what you can do to keep your risk low.

What is a stroke?

A stroke is a serious, potentially life-threatening medical emergency. At a stroke, the blood flow is blocked to part of your brain, which means that your brain cells can not get the oxygen they need. When this happens, your brain cells can be damaged or even die. There are two main types of stroke, including:

  • ischemic , when an artery that supplies blood to the brain is blocked, usually by a clot or plaque blood
  • hemorrhagic when a blood vessel in your brain leaks or bursts

stroke symptoms

Some symptoms stroke can include:

  • sudden weakness
  • Numbness on one side of the face, arm or leg
  • speech disorder
  • loss of vision, double vision or difficulty seeing with one eye
  • Dizziness, loss of balance or difficulty walking
  • Sudden, sore severe head

If you think you or someone else is having a stroke, call 911 immediately. It is very important to get treatment as soon as possible.

How are the heart health and brain health Linked?

heart and brain health are linked by common risk factors, including:

  • Having high cholesterol
  • Having high blood pressure
  • smoking
  • having diabetes
  • not having regular physical activity
  • Being overweight or obese

and, you may have a higher risk of stroke if you have:

  • atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, which can make your blood vessels narrow or completely blocked by a hard substance called plaque.
  • atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common type of irregular heartbeat. With AFib, your heart can not fight as effectively as it should, which can make it easier for the blood to pool and clot.
  • Heart failure, which happens when your heart can not pump enough blood to meet your needs of the organization.

How to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke

If you are not sure where to start, talk with your doctor. Have a checkup so you can learn the basic facts about your health, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels in the blood. Your doctor will ask about your medical history, your family history and habits whether you are at risk.

There's a lot you can do to help keep your heart, blood vessels and brain healthy, including:

  • a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean and low-fat protein or fat-free dairy products
  • limiting the amount of salt, fat and sugar you eat
  • Get regular physical activity
  • to stop smoking or using tobacco products
  • Find healthy ways to cope with stress
  • Keep an eye on your cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood of

for more information, visit the heart and Vascular Institute at UPMC or call 1-855-UPMC-HVI (876-2484) [1945008pressionartérielleet].

Pitting Germ Against Germ Prevents Infections

16:10 Add Comment
Pitting Germ Against Germ Prevents Infections -

SAN FRANCISCO - Tell a child to smear an open wound with germs, and she'll think you tease. But some scientists say this approach could keep away the pus. The application of a harmless bacterium or products to surgical implants counteracts infections, the researchers reported here 12 December at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting. This is the first time anyone has used bacteria so, other researchers say, and technology can help prevent serious wound infections in people a day

Infections Staphylococcus aureus -. Better known as "staph" - can lead to complications and even death in surgical patients. The bug has become even more threatening in recent years because many strains have developed resistance to antibiotics.

But the conventional antibiotics may not be the only means to crush staph. A team of researchers led by biochemist and microbiologist Jeffrey Howard Gregor Reid of the University of Western Ontario knew earlier research that a protein of Lactobacillus - a microbe that lives peacefully among humans - maintains the staphylococcal binding to Teflon and glass. This protein also binds to a molecule that sticks staphylococcal when it invades humans. The researchers estimated that Lactobacillus protein could successfully compete with staph in animal tissues as well.

To find out, the team placed a small piece of silicone under the skin of rats to mimic a surgical implant, and then added S. aureus to the wound. As expected, developed serious infections. When the researchers added staph, most live Lactobacillus , however, none of nine animals had an infection, compared to five of the nine animals in the control group. Secreted protein also protected the animals against infection, although somewhat more modestly.

The idea of ​​using Lactobacillus or its products to prevent staph infections "is exciting and very strong," says microbiologist William Costerton of Montana State University in Bozeman. Although that people opposed bacteria against another for medical purposes before - especially in the intestinal tract and genito -. the implementation of the strategy on wounds is "unique", he said "There are many bacteria around, and you can think of an injury as a kind of ecological battlefield. "- One in which the good germs can beat the bad

Related Sites
The conference presentation abstractM
learn more about antibiotic resistance in staph

How Anorexia affects your cardiovascular health

18:13 Add Comment
How Anorexia affects your cardiovascular health -

Anorexia is a disorder of serious and potentially fatal food. Learn about the warning signs, how he heart health impacts, and what you can do to get help for yourself or someone in need.

What is anorexia?

Anorexia has the highest mortality rate among psychiatric diagnoses.

people with anorexia can have an extreme fear of weight gain and a distorted body image, which makes the diet, exercise, or use other methods of weight loss, even if they are already underweight. People with anorexia typically severely limit what they eat. Some also engage in other behaviors of eating disorders such as purging by vomiting, abusing laxatives or extreme exercise.

Anorexia can affect everyone, but it is more common in girls and women. Some warning signs of anorexia may include:

  • Refusing to eat, or severely limit the amount and types of food you eat
  • Always think and talk food, weight and dieting
  • Exercising too
  • have anxiety about weight gain
  • deny that you have a problem with food, weight and dieting

anorexia and cardiovascular health

people with anorexia starve themselves, so they do not get the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients everyone needs to stay healthy. This leads to problems in many organs and systems in your body, including your heart

Anorexia can lead to :.

low blood pressure

Your blood pressure measures the force of blood against your artery walls. While high blood pressure can be dangerous, low blood pressure may be too much, because your organs and tissues may not get the oxygen and other nutrients they need.

slow heart rate (bradycardia)

Your heart rate is a measure of how many times your heart beats per minute. A slow heartbeat, also called bradycardia can keep your body get the oxygen and nutrients it needs.

Heart failure

Heart failure occurs when your heart can not pump enough blood to meet your body needs. Without treatment, heart failure will worsen over time, eventually leading to death

Getting Help for Anorexia

Anorexia can be fatal if untreated, but there are treatments that can help, including .:

  • psychological counseling, which can help you learn to have a healthy relationship with food and your body
  • drugs for treating depression and anxiety that can be associated with anorexia
  • nutritional advice, which can help you learn about healthy approaches to diet, diet, and achieve a healthy weight

If you are concerned about your eating habits or think of a friend or family member may have anorexia, talk to your doctor about how to get help. Read more in the Web Health Services UPMC behavior.

Coming Soon: Made-to-Order Human Antibodies

15:09 Add Comment
Coming Soon: Made-to-Order Human Antibodies -

The mill. This hybridoma can pump specific human antibodies.

After 20 years of painstaking work, researchers have found a way to a magic formula to find and destroy cancer cells and cells infected by viruses such as HIV . Ammunition - immune system proteins called antibodies - can be done in a test tube with a new cell line derived from normal and cancer cells human white blood cells

To ward off viruses, cancer cells, and others. threats, the immune system prepares some brigades a huge standing army of cells producing cells called antibodies B. Each brigade pumps a unique antibody that recognizes and binds to a particular place of the invader. Normally, the blood of an infected person or animal will be loaded with various antibodies. However, in 1975, the researchers made mice cell lines called hybridomas that produce a single type of antibody - a useful tool to identify cellular proteins. These so-called monoclonal antibodies have also helped doctors to develop new diagnostic tests. But mouse antibodies seek out and destroy the invaders in humans because the immune system often rejected them as foreign.

Intrigued, immunologist Abraham Karpas of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues worked for more than 20 years to find a way to make human cells specialize in monoclonal antibodies. Even by a mouse hybridoma is delicate: B cells from the spleen of an immunized mouse, which normally died in culture dishes, must be merged with cancerous white blood cells called myelomas. But the human myeloma cells "do not behave themselves," said Karpas. The team has spent years coaxing the cells to grow rapidly in culture dishes and unravel the cells that could survive in good conditions.

the resulting myeloma line has allowed them to nine different human hybridomas, each specializing in a particular antibody, including one that locks onto a key protein of HIV, the researchers report in the February 13 Proceedings of the national Academy of sciences . the technique could now help researchers use B cells from tumor tissue producing anticancer antibodies and B cells of HIV survivors to seeking antibodies and destroy virus, said Karpas.

"it is an important development," said immunologist Gregory Adams of the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. the new cells, it will be easier and cheaper to develop human antibodies, particularly for therapy, said immunologist Paul Nelson of the University of Wolverhampton, UK. "I think it's quite exciting," he said.

Related site

A primer on the hybridoma technology

Chill Out with your iPhone ...?

21:03 Add Comment
Chill Out with your iPhone ...? -

Chill Out with your iPhone ...?

Our smartphones, either an iPhone or Droid, can be extremely helpful in organizing our lives. They offer quick methods of communication, calendars and event reminders to attend. In the bustle of the season, your iPhone or iPad can be used not only for reminders, but to help create a stress free environment. The amount of de-stressing support on your electronic device may surprise you.

Play Store The options are almost endless, a personal wellness coach to exercise applications to an assistance plan. In addition to improving health, applications also exist for planning and monitoring purposes. Use a budgeting app to increase your financial stability, and use a calendar application to schedule your busy week. Create control and monitoring lists when completing various tasks.

An activity that has recently become more popular is yoga. Look for applications that help respiration monitoring or specific yoga poses that release stress. Your electronic device may increase or decrease stress, depending on how you use it. Take a bit of time away from your cell phone and electronics is beneficial as well -. Remember to take a break, spend time with family, living in the moment, and disconnect practicing stress relief

Did you know [?

  • The stress can be positive or negative.
  • People feel stress in different ways. Some people may experience physical symptoms such as stomach aches, and others may experience mental symptoms such as mood swings and anger
  • According to the National Institutes of Health, there 5 things that affect stress :. Attitude, diet, physical activity, support systems, and Relaxation

5 Applications suggested to help you de-stress

  1. Stress Tracker -. know the source of stress so that you can control! It helps you find your own triggers
  2. Simply Be -. For beginners in meditation. Includes nature sounds and a soothing voice to help you through the steps of meditation
  3. Atmosphere - .. You can customize soothing sounds for any desired activity
  4. Universal Healing - a guide to breathing that can last only five minutes to an hour
  5. Relax Melodies - choose sounds 46 different Lulling, nature, wind chimes

Sources :. Huffington Post, National Institutes. of Health (NIH). LifeWork Strategies EAP and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Healthy Recipe: Curried pork

17:12 Add Comment
Healthy Recipe: Curried pork -

Looking for a recipe for healthy dinner for the heart with a twist? Try this spin on the thread of the American Heart Association

Serves 4 -. 4 ounces of pork and 1/4 cup chutney per serving

Make Pork Curry with Cranberry Chutney

  1. Preheat oven to 425 ° F
  2. line a small baking sheet with foil. Put aside.
  3. Sprinkle the meat on both sides with curry powder. Using fingertips, gently rub curry powder in pork.
  4. In a large nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat, stirring to coat the bottom. Cook pork for five to six minutes, or until golden, turning once halfway through. Transfer to the cooking plate.
  5. Roast for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the pork registers 150 ° F on an instant-read thermometer, or slightly pink in the center
  6. Transfer. pork to a cutting board. Let sit, slightly covered, about 10 minutes. Pork will continue to cook during standing time to around 0 ° C.
  7. Slice pork.
  8. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix the ingredients of the chutney. Set aside until ready to serve
  9. Serve with pork

Tip Cook: .. Because of roasted pork tenderloin very quickly, he did not usually a chance to become golden brown in the oven without being overcooked. In this recipe, we solve this problem by browning the pork and roast until an attractive color, but still wet.


  • 1 pound pork tenderloin, all visible thrown fat
  • 1 powder tablespoon curry
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • Chutney:
  • 1 cup whole-berry cranberry sauce
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons grated peeled root coffee ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated orange peel
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon cloves

Nutrition Facts

  • Calories 250 fat 5 grams
  • saturated fat 1 g
  • polyunsaturated 0.5 g
  • monounsaturated 2.5 grams
  • 74 milligrams cholesterol
  • 76 milligrams of sodium
  • Carbohydrates 27 grams
  • 2 grams fiber
  • 17 grams sugar
  • 24 grams of protein

St. John's Wort Works No Wonders

14:08 Add Comment
St. John's Wort Works No Wonders -

Indeed St. Placebo? Depressed patients taking St. John's wort extract (above) has not responded better than those taking a placebo.

The wort herbal remedy St. John popular plants is not effective in the treatment of major depression, according to results of a clinical trial reported in the April 18 issue of Journal of the American Medical Association . But experts are divided as to whether the trial, which was funded and partly developed by Pfizer, the pharmaceutical company that sells the popular antidepressant Zoloft prescription, really prove that the grass does not.

St. St. John's wort, Hypericum perforatum , is a small flowering weed that has been used for centuries to treat what was known as "nervous disorders." herb extracts are widely sold today. More than 30 studies have claimed that the remedy relieves depression. But these studies have "significant limitations" says psychiatrist Richard Shelton of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, as small sample sizes or reliable methods to assess depression.

To test the strictest hypericum, Shelton and colleagues at 10 other medical centers tested the extract and a similar placebo-tasting pill on 0 people suffering from depression. Symptoms The subjects were severe enough to interfere with the operation day to day, but not serious enough to make suicidal. The researchers followed the progress of subjects using a standardized rating scale that measures symptoms such as fatigue, sleep disturbances and depressed mood. After 8 weeks, depression ease about the same rates in patients taking placebo must and St. John. In addition, the results were the same when patients rather than researchers assessed their own depression. "Until we have good data to support St. John's wort, we probably should not recommend it," says Shelton.

Not so fast, say other experts. Unlike many clinical trials, the researchers did not test a third group of patients with a drug that is known to work - a procedure which ensures that the true antidepressant effects could be detected, says Fred Quitkin psychiatrist at Columbia University College of physicians and Surgeons of the city of New York. in addition, the plant can still help mild depression, said Barak Gaster internist at the University of Washington, Seattle. However, although the results are not conclusive, they "must be taken seriously," says Quitkin, and "another good study would be the kiss of death for the wort."

Related Sites

Information about St. John's wort, the National Institute of Mental Health
More about St. John's wort, the National Center for Complementary Medicine and alternative.

Your heart is ready for cold weather?

20:02 Add Comment
Your heart is ready for cold weather? -

Your heart is ready for cold weather?

During the winter months, snow and ice are very likely and can sometimes hinder our daily plans. When a wintry mix is ​​on its way, it is important to be well prepared. If you decided to shovel snow this winter, keep in mind that your fingers and toes are not the only parts of the body affected.

Colder temperatures combined with physical activity create special circumstances that increase the risk of a heart attack. If unprepared, even walking in the snow can put unwanted pressure on your heart

There are many ways to make the safe disposal of snow. Take breaks when shoveling and pay attention to how your body feels during your breaks. Treat shoveling as somewhat of a workout, and avoid eating a large meal before shoveling (a small snack is ok). Use a small shovel to avoid raising significant amounts of snow and push the snow from the road instead of the lift. Dress warmly to avoid hypothermia and drink lots of water! Finally, know the warning signs of a heart attack and what to do if you or someone else symptoms.

Did you know?

  • Every drop of 1.8 degrees from the outside temperature is associated with 0 extra heart attacks.
  • cold temperatures increase pressure and blood levels of proteins, which also increases the risk of heart attack.
  • 50% more heart attacks occur during the winter months than in summer. month

symptoms of a heart attack

  1. Chest discomfort: pressure, pressure, fullness or pain in the center of the chest
  2. Upper body discomfort: discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach
  3. Breathlessness
  4. other signs: These may include cold sweats , nausea and dizziness

for more information, visit :. American Heart Association

Sources: The American Heart Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, LifeWork EAP strategies and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

Related Posts

Heart-Healthy Recipes: Almond Snack Mix

16:11 Add Comment
Heart-Healthy Recipes: Almond Snack Mix -

This crispy snack almonds, courtesy of the American Heart Association, uses energy on the road

Almond snack Mix. Ingredients

  • 1/3 cup unsalted whole almonds
  • 2/3 cup multibran square or bites of whole grains
  • 1/2 cup low fat granola without raisins
  • 1/4 cup dried apricot halves, cut into strips, or golden raisins
  • cranberry
  • 1/4 cup sweetened dried

How Crispy almond Snack Mix

  1. Preheat oven to 350 ° F
  2. Spread almonds in a single layer on an ungreased baking.
  3. Bake 5-10 minutes or until lightly toasted, stirring once or twice to ensure even cooking. Transfer to a plate to cool completely.
  4. Meanwhile, in large bowl, combine remaining ingredients.
  5. Stir the cooled almonds.

Tip Cook: If all the snack mixture is not likely to be consumed on the day you do, we recommend you to use golden raisins. Moisture apricots can cause the grain to lose its crispness over time. Make sure the almonds are completely cooled when you add them to the mixture; otherwise, they will soggy.

Teflon May Cause Trouble

13:07 Add Comment
Teflon May Cause Trouble -

what's Cooking? When heated, Teflon product of persistent chemicals.

Teflon pans are a wonder for flipping pancakes, but they become less effective over time. This decrease can be more than a nuisance culinary, scientists report in the July issue 19 Nature : Teflon breaks down into potentially harmful chemicals that persist in the environment and can kill plants for high concentrations. So far, however, there is no evidence that the levels are harmful.

The chemical, known as trifluoroacetate (TFA) occurs widely in the environment. The bulk results from the decomposition of compounds known as hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). But in many places, TFA levels in rainwater are too high to be explained by HCFCs and HFCs, only a gap that has puzzled researchers for nearly a decade. University of Toronto chemist Scott Mabury and colleagues undertook a systematic search for other possible culprits. Teflon and parents - which are used in many household and commercial contexts - seemed strong candidates because of their chemical composition and wide usage. But could really produce Teflon ventilation TFA?

To find out, Mabury and colleagues characterized the compounds that are formed when pure Teflon, and various Teflon products, were heated. Experiments were conducted at a variety of temperatures up to 5001 / 4C to simulate both standard baking and combustion of waste. They found that not only Teflon decomposition product TFA, but a suite of related molecules with unknown environmental effects. A computer simulation based on the data showed that Teflon and HCFC / HFC together could explain the TFA concentrations observed in Toronto, suggesting that Teflon was the source TFA hidden.

Although trivial at its current level, TFA can persist in the environment for centuries, which could allow it to reach concentrations that can harm plants, said Tim Wallington, a specialist environment to the Ford Motor Co. in Dearborn, Michigan. But there is no cause for immediate alarm, "I do not think we should stop using Teflon," he said. "I just think that, in hindsight, we should have been better" environmental testing.

Related Sites

website about Teflon by DuPont, the company that produces it
homepage Scott Mabury

Switches cold

19:01 Add Comment
Switches cold -

Cold swaps

Most of the time we head to work without thinking much about it. However, with the unusually cold weather we have experienced in recent times, it is especially important to ensure that we keep us safe and warm while traveling to and from work.

If driving in cold weather, give yourself extra time before leaving well remove any snow or ice from your car. Use a brush to remove snow and ice from your roof, hood, tail lights, license plate, and the exhaust pipe. Make sure you have lots of liquid and gas washer. If your car is stuck, digging as much as you can and sprinkle cat litter or sand for traction. On the road, take it slow. Allow a little extra space between your car and the other can make a huge difference in icy conditions. Finally, if you slip, do not panic or slam on the brakes. Take your foot off the gas and steer into the skid until you regain control.

If you use public transportation, check the schedules! This will reduce the waiting time in the cold. If you walk or bike to work, consider public transportation or talking to colleagues carpooling during the winter months.

Did you know?

  • During the winter months, it is especially important to protect your hands, head and feet cold.
  • In colder temperatures, your body naturally produces heat through muscle contraction and chills.
  • hypothermia occurs at cold temperatures, but can occur at 40. Fahrenheit
  • The record for the United States is -80 degrees Fahrenheit, which occurred in Alaska in 1917.

Travel Tips for winter driving:

  • keep your car: check the battery, the tread, and the wipers, keep your clear windows, turn off the liquid gel in the windshield washer tank and check your antifreeze
  • have on hand :. flashlight, jumper cables, abrasive material (sand, kitty litter, even floor mats), shovel, snow brush and ice scraper, warning devices (such as flares) and blankets. For long trips, add food and water, medicine and a cell phone.
  • Order or BLOCKED? Stay with your car, do not over exert, put bright markers on the antenna or windows and shine the dome light, and if you run your car, clear the exhaust pipe and run just enough to stay warm .
  • Plan your route: Allow enough time (check the weather and leave early if necessary) be familiar with the maps / directions, and that others know your route and arrival time

https: // www. / Publications / safeDriving.html

Sources: Occupational Health and Safety Administration, Department of Health centers and social services LifeWork strategies EAP Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, and Adventist HealthCare. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Namaste :. How yoga helps your heart

15:10 Add Comment
Namaste :. How yoga helps your heart -

Yoga has become a popular form of exercise and relaxation, with people of all ages and fitness levels to hit the mat

Some studies have shown a link between yoga and better heart health, but you might be surprised to learn how this ancient practice can help your heart.

What is Yoga?

Yoga combines breathing, meditation, and specific postures of the body (sometimes called "asanas") to promote health and relaxation. There are many different types of yoga; some are more physically active and stimulating, while others focus more on breathing and meditation

Health benefits of yoga

Yoga can benefit your body and the spirit in many ways, including :.

  • Lowering your blood pressure, which reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke
  • to help you reach or maintain a healthy weight, reducing your risk of disease cardiac and diabetes
  • Making stronger and more flexible
  • reduction of chronic pain
  • to help you get a better night's sleep
  • with a healthy way to deal with stress
Yoga can benefit your heart health

is Cardio Yoga?

Although yoga can be a difficult business, it does not account for the needs of physical activity to 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week, according to the American Heart Association. Make sure you keep walking, biking, or do other aerobic activities in addition to yoga to meet your weekly activity goals.

Yoga and cardiovascular health

So if yoga is not cardio, how can it help your heart?

breathing and meditation exercises that you learn on the mat can help you feel calmer and less stressed, which goes a long way for heart health. And, if you have had a heart attack or other cardiac event such as bypass surgery, yoga can help you cope with depression and anxiety that can follow. In some cases, yoga can be part of cardiac rehabilitation, because it offers a mild form of activity that can be easily adapted for all fitness levels.

There is always a good idea to talk with your doctor before starting any new activity to make sure it is good for you, so be sure to check with your doctor before starting a yoga practice .

to learn more, visit the Heart and Vascular Institute at UPMC or call 1-855-UPMC -HVI (876 -2484 ) .

A Disaster Explained

12:06 Add Comment
A Disaster Explained -

too little, too late? more intense culling campaign would have reduced the number of cases by 66%, according to a study.

To stop a catastrophic outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), the British government has so far destroyed nearly 4 million pigs, sheep and cattle - a strategy some call overzealous and draconian. But new studies show that, if anything, the measures were not strict enough: A policy of more rigorous culling in the first phase of the epidemic could have saved millions of animals, researchers say

crude models. the same researchers helped guide policy earlier this year after the outbreak of foot caught Britain by surprise in February ( science NOW, April 17). Now, the same groups have built more elaborate models that paint a detailed picture of how the British countryside was ravaged by the virus of FMD, taking into account such things as each farm location, number estimated pigs, cattle and sheep farm each contained and comprehensive data on the spread of the disease and the slaughter process. One of the documents, by Roy Anderson and colleagues at Imperial College London, is published in Nature this week another, Bryan Grenfell and colleagues at the University of Cambridge and the University of Edinburgh, is published online by Science this week.

The groups also calculated a number of scenarios to show how the different measures could have turned the course of the epidemic. For example, if the government had managed to slaughter each infected farm within 24 hours and each adjacent farm within 48 hours, the number of cases was reduced by 66% and the number of 62% of farms reform, according Imperial College model (see chart); the other team puts these figures to 43% and 46%, respectively.

Other veterinary epidemiologists praise the accuracy of models to describe the epidemic. At the same time, some wish the studies would have offered more clues about exactly how the disease spreads. For example, the studies do not explain very well why the epidemic has a long tail, said Mart de Jong of Wageningen University in the Netherlands. De Jong hopes that further analysis of the data will give such ideas.

With three new cases last week, Britain is still waiting for the end of the epidemic smoldering. Both research teams caution against relaxing controls. If the current rules are strictly enforced, Edinburgh and Cambridge team predicts the disease will almost certainly be stamped by next spring.

Related Sites

Background story about foot-and mouth disease ( science , 23 March, p. 2298)
Information on FMD of the Department of Environment, Food and rural Affairs

Celebrate National Walking Day

18:00 Add Comment
Celebrate National Walking Day -

Celebrate National Walking Day

Today is the day of the national march! The American Heart Association encourages you to walk for 30 minutes today, so take walking shoes and a buddy and hit the pavement! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all adults to earn 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) moderate intensity aerobic activity (ie, brisk walking) every week.

Research shows that walking regularly can improve health and increase lifespan. It can also help to maintain body weight, a lower risk of obesity, and improving mental well-being. In addition, it can help reduce your risk of osteoporosis, breast and colon cancer, and non-insulin (type 2) diabetes.

Challenge people in your life to increase their daily steps! Start with the implementation of the work running meetings and work your way up a run or 5K event. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to ask a colleague a question instead of calling them, or be bold and replace with a dessert after dinner walk.

Did you know?

  • Only 48% of adults get enough aerobic activity to improve their health
  • in a study conducted by the CDC, 6 in 10 adults reported walking for at least 10 minutes in the previous week
  • over 145 million adults now include walking through a physically active lifestyle
  • Walkable communities involve more physical activity

Start your own walking club!

  1. Select your target audience: you walk with employees, friends, or both
  2. Set a time: this time makes the most sense for your target audience
  3. Select a route: draw a safe path which is close to those with whom you walk. You can even walk around your building
  4. Have a backup plan :. If time does not allow, try walking in a mall or indoor track

Sources: American Heart Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Council on Exercise, LifeWork EAP and Adventist HealthCare strategies. The Health Council of the week is for educational purposes. For medical advice, consult your doctor. Feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.

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Everyday Ways to help your heart

14:08 Add Comment
Everyday Ways to help your heart -

What does it take to have a healthy heart? Much depends on you, and your risk factors. If you imagine that means living healthy diet and bland hours at the gym, you might be surprised to learn how simple, everyday choices can make a big difference

You probably know the basics for heart health include .:

  • a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat or nonfat dairy products
  • Get physical activity regular
  • Stop or avoiding smoking
  • stress management
  • Control your risk factors

If this sounds a lot to keep in mind, remember that you can make small changes in each of these areas and still improve your health.

Everyday Tips for Better Heart Health

The best place to start is at your doctor's office, where you can learn about your risk factors. Your doctor can give you advice on how to make changes to your diet, activity level, and other habits that can help reduce your risk. Some tips may include:

  • Starting the day with a healthy breakfast. Choose whole grains and fruits, such as oatmeal and berries, or mix a smoothie with low-fat Greek yogurt and your favorite fruit.
  • Eat one more piece of fruit or vegetables that you usually do. You can add fruit to your breakfast, make a salad with dinner, or share a snack packed for an apple or baby carrots.
  • Adding fish to your diet. The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings of fish with omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, trout, and albacore tuna per week.
  • Never missed a chance to move. Take the stairs, go for a walk at lunch time, or park at the back of the lot while shopping or running errands.
  • Break the activity into small portions of time. Go for a 10-minute walk at lunch time, then another 10-minute walk after dinner. You can gradually increase your activity over time.
  • Make fun activity. Physical activity does not have to mean spending hours on a treadmill, and you're more likely to stay active if you love what you do. Go ahead and dance, swim, hike, bike, or just play with your kids in the yard.
  • Relaxing healthy way. Find a hobby that you enjoy, such as gardening, knitting, or walk instead of relieving stress with food, tobacco or alcohol.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption. Some studies have shown that moderate drinkers have a lower risk for heart disease than heavy drinkers.
  • quit smoking and using tobacco products. It is never too late to quit.
  • Flossing your teeth. Some studies have shown a link between dental health and heart health.
  • Keep regular appointments with your doctor. This way you can keep an eye on your weight, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, all of which are risk factors for heart disease.
  • Take slow. Start by making a few changes, and then adding more over time so you do not feel overwhelmed you.

For more information, visit the Heart and Vascular Institute at UPMC or call 1-855-UPMC -HVI (876-2484).

Bone Marrow Feeds Hungry Tumors

11:05 Add Comment
Bone Marrow Feeds Hungry Tumors -

life support tumor bone marrow cells, in blue, have migrated to the tumor site (above). a special staining technique determines what type of cells in the bone marrow, they are (bottom).

Like the rest of the body, tumors need blood to survive, and a hot area of ​​research is to find ways to block this food. Now, cancer researchers have discovered a new way to approach this. By stopping the tumors recruit raw materials to build their network of blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis, they can prevent tumor growth

Researchers used to think that recruited tumors new cells of blood vessels from existing vessels in the vicinity. Then, in 1999, a team found that when a set of known genes Id1-4 is disabled in mice, the animals can not develop tumor blood vessels. Normally, the Id genes are active in embryonic development of blood vessels, then turned off permanently after birth.

cancer biologists David Lyden, Shahin Rafii and Robert Benezra and a joint team from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Cornell University Medical College, and ImClone Systems Inc., all in New York, wanted to know if Id genes allow tumors to recruit building blocks from the bone marrow, which helps build blood vessels. Using mice that lacked Id genes and can not build new blood vessels in the tumor, the team replaced Lyden mouse bone marrow with normal Id containing bone marrow. Then they implanted tumors under the skin of the animal. Within hours, the cells in the bone marrow have migrated to the tumor.

Although previous estimates have suggested that cells from bone marrow accounted for 5% to 10% of new blood vessels, Lyden said, the new data suggest "bone marrow is really responsible for the network of blood vessels of the entire tumor. "researchers have also developed antibodies to a receptor on the surface of cells in the bone marrow which receives the enticing signal tumors. These antibodies prevented signals to the blocked marrow and halted the growth of blood vessels of the tumor.

"seminal" is how tumor angiogenesis researcher Judah Folkman of Harvard Medical School in Boston described the work. "the concept that there is a regular traffic of endothelial precursor cells bone marrow in the bed of the tumor is a novel very, important discovery, "he said. the results, he said, could open the door to a new class of anti-angiogenic drugs that can help to combat growth of the tumor.

Related Sites

Summary Lyden et al . Nature Medicine paper
Rafii laboratory homepage
Benezra laboratory homepage
Lyden et al s'. 1999 Nature paper first link Id proteins to tumor angiogenesis