Infographic: Crazy for Caffeine

Infographic: Crazy for Caffeine -

Caffeine - it is the collapse of the energy we need to get up in the morning, and the pressure that is essential to move us through the day. It is found naturally in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, and can be hidden in something painkillers water Energy

Although you can enjoy your first cup of morning java -. And your cup mid morning and your cup of afternoon, and so too suite-- of a good thing can have its drawbacks. Caffeine is a stimulant that shakes your body awake, but can cause a variety of side effects. Some people claim to be "addicted to caffeine," usually in jest, but experience "withdrawal" symptoms (such as headaches and irritability) reflecting those people who are weaned other substances, more harmful.

Consult the infographic below for how caffeine can affect your body, including your heart.

Infographic: Caffeine Facts and Statistics

now that you know a little about the effects of caffeine, do you plan on cutting back on your daily consumption of beverages containing caffeine? Have you experienced any of these side effects when you tried to reduce the amount of coffee or tea you drink each day? What are your Favorite drinks containing caffeine you like to work? We would like to hear from you in the comments below!

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