EPA Reaffirms Dioxin's Danger

EPA Reaffirms Dioxin's Danger -

Dioxin is much worse for human health than previously thought, according to new, highly anticipated draft report of the Environmental Protection Agency of the United (EPA). The report suggests that many Americans may have enough dioxin in their body to trigger a series of effects, subtle developmental delays cancer. But, as with previous statements about the risks of dioxin, the judgment is controversial and can be appealed.

Dioxins are chlorinated chemicals mainly produced by incinerators and paper bleaching. They accumulate in the food chain, the liquidation of body fat when people eat animal products. In the 1980s, the EPA has concluded that there is no safe level of dioxin - even the lowest exposure was dangerous. Then new molecular studies have led experts to think EPA dioxin may have overestimated the risk, the agency set out to re-evaluate again in 1991.

But scientists from the agency returned to 1994 with a draft report which supported the earlier conclusion of the EPA that all dioxin levels is harmful. Scientific Advisory Board of the EPA then blasted parts of the revaluation and referred to the revision, the charge that scientists mixed agency science and policy. They also accused the scientists not to mention other assumptions and data that contradicted their conclusions.

parts As requested, the EPA has now rewritten the report. The agency has also incorporated "some new information," says William Farland, head of the risk assessment in EPA Office of Research and Development - for example, new studies of workers exposed three groups dioxin in the United States, Germany, and Holland. These studies lead to a risk of dioxin cancer is 30 times higher than the estimate of 1985. the factors the agency in the triple exposure drop dioxins since the mid-1980s, to conclude that the risk of cancer today is 10 times higher.

This conclusion shocked many outside researchers. many who spoke with Science NOW said the cancer effects workers studies are inconclusive. Even those who closely followed a new analysis of EPA, 10 times "is much more than anyone expected," said Dennis Paustenbach, an evaluation consultant risks with Exponent in Menlo Park, California. "It will require much discussion before there is wide acceptance."

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